Because, as he said himself, "I'm indoctrinated with my beliefs". Hope one day he can question them a little more. It will be a real shock for him, born-in, rode out 75, did Bethel, df'd in the early 90s whilst PO. And just buried it ever since. I can relate to aspects of that. But what he did do is put a human face onto things, and he showed up the elders inside who evade questions by doing his darndest to be informed about the commission, by reviewing his evidence and memory, and disclosing without trying to conceal. And expressing regret he hadn't chased up his concerns about the daughters of the abuser.
There was a basic humanity to Mr.Baker which was lacking in those still in, those still checking their conscience to one side because the WBTS tells them too. The very act of reaching out to the survivor spoke volumes against men who wouldn't even read her statement if counsel doesn't force them to. And those men are not strangers like Monty Baker, but people who've known her since childhood.