I'm suggesting the math is accurate.
Watch the 12:00 segment on Giza:
I got to the part where he listed the grandmasters of Sion before dissolving into laughter. The chap doing it is either pranking people or is an idiot. The Sion stuff was a hoax (Helpful hint: Pentard + Pelat Affair for when Pentard admitted he'd fabricated it all). Just let that sink in. The guy who is doing this is citing a hoax as fact. I think we can spot why Dan Brown was listed as opening the doors of his perception in the earlier video you quoted. But let's get on.
He then starts to discuss the measurements of the great pyramid. Greaves did in fact think that the (English) foot was the unit of measurement used by the ancient Egyptians. Sadly Greaves was wrong as 5 seconds research would show. Does this perturb our intrepid seeker of truth on Youtube? Oh no, Greaves was right. Why? Because clearly when data doesn't fit theory, data is wrong. (Helpful hint: look up 'cubit')
So I'm 2 minutes into a 12 minute video. Both points so far made are wrong. Another 10 minutes of this is 10 minutes too long. Sorry for not watching it all. As I said, I have read most of the source material he listed. That's guff too.
Sorry Kairos, it's tosh. Apply some critical thinking to this, do a little research yourself to see if what this chap is saying is actually correct or whether he's pulling it out of his posterior based on the pseudo-histories he's dug up from the 'Atlantis and other crackpot theories' section of the internet.