What was there before the Big Bang?
by Brokeback Watchtower 88 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Didn't look at the videos, but besides absolute nothing then everything came into existence, 2 other ideas I've heard are.
1. The universe is always contracting and expanding, right now expanding but soon more and more mass, planets, galaxies, etc, will join. Each time creating a stronger gravity pull, and eventually everything compresses into one lump and explodes making another big bang with a never ending cycle.
2. Our universe is the result of a 4th dimensional star exploding and turning into a black hole. (If that's the case then just imagine one star in our entire universe spawning another universe. Means at least one other universe outside of ours.
well, listened to it, and it did not say anything about that "before" question, but it reiterated the findings, that no matter how much the universe expands, there is always more energy in the newly acquired space, implying and confirming that there is no such thing as nothingness, but that even the best vacuum is filled with energy, hence there was energy before there was space and matter. It said nothing how the laws emerged, and having multiverses just kicks the ball further down the road.
another note about the flat , "dark matter"-caused even velocity curves in galaxies. Have they thought about the fact that there is no gravity in the center of galaxies, the earth, stars? with no gravity in the center, and max in the periphery, why would it be surprising that in a matter-filled entity, like a galaxy, the outer velocity would be high? so, to quote the video" they invented dark matter ". nothing said about the nothing before the beginning, about time itself. but a reminder if you look at the real thing, much more impressive than the video visual, kerosine - burning big bang, how small we are. thank you is all i can say.
There was nothing before the big-bang. Not nothing as in "the vacuum of space" but really nothing, not even the space for the vacuum to be empty in.
Without gravity, there is no time, so no "before" because time also started when matter existed.
There was no "before". Time is an element of the universe, so it began at the big bang too.
The question is like asking "what is south of the south pole?". The question makes no sense because it is attempting to describe an impossible situation.
The Rebel
Before the " Big Bang" we had friends, Will and Grace, Frazier, and the Simpsons But in my opinion " The Big Bang Theory" was unique, it made being a nerd cool. and suddenly kids every where didn't have to be Rebels, in leather jackets to be hip with the girls.
Thanks to the big bank theory, a guy was no longer judged by the car he drove, nor the cigarettes he smoked, instead the " chicks" we're more interested if the guy could answer Einsteins special theory of relativity, with special reference to the constant 3x/c.
The Rebel, who actually was in all truth, and always will be more of a nerd than a rebel.
Simon: "--Without gravity, there is no time, why do you say that? The way I see it, in the equations of relativity, the more gravity there is , the less time you have, or to be more precise the slower you move through time, as seen by others. and regarding the supra-nothingness you seem to be mentioning , very well put by the way, it is just this that the video seem to refer to, when there is mention of the nothing being full of energy . If they are also contemplating the existence of other universes, like of course Penrose did, the idea of an absolute emptiness before, and still "outside" our realm becomes a possibility. -
sir 82: "There was no "before". Time is an element of the universe, so it began at the big bang too. Time might not be as short lived as the universe. it is just that we got entangled with the elusive 4st dimension when we started to move through time in our beginning. While everything is linked to time in our expanding, moving world, why would that preclude that the imperceptible 4st dimension did predate the universe? (imperceptible in the sense that all we can do is measure our movement through it, or the movement of others.)
It is kind of nice to think that time will be still there, when we have stopped moving through it. ?
The Rebel
Being serious, having read the thread, I think trying to answer or understand this question is like to believe in our words, or somebody else's words. Yet think about it, there are no words, no living people, no self, or anything belonging to self, and nothing beyond self. And that is what was before the Big Bang, and what we have now. Which is the present moment, existing, and all thoughts and words are and will become illusion.
The Rebel.
simon, I cant accept that nothing is the nothing that we interpret it to be.
the only nothing we can envision in our head is a black or white space void of any activity.
you cant have something come from nothing. there is always something. even if its microscopic somethings.
and they have to come 'from' someplace. thats why dwelling on this can make us crazy, lol.
we are only humans speculating and learning and discovering amazing things every day. always fun, but frustrating, because were so curious.
its going to be a never ending search for where things came from because humans will never live long enough to find everything out in one lifetime. plus, being able to safely record information in order for the new generations of researchers to use however, is going to be a challenge.
all it takes is a major fire earthquake flood volcano energy crisis ect, and all our 'saved' research information is gone. were still discovering amazing things about our own planet.
our ' big bang' is one of many. so, if were here there are others, and some more advanced or more primitive. maybe its like watching the show sliders,lol , there are other earths and other humans or creatures, in different stages of evolution. did we not find a planet similar to earth? well thats evolving too,so maybe someday we will be able to go there if its not going away from us too fast. but since we observe galaxies moving away from each other as if a bomb going off, objects being forced outward, we might never have the answers, because there will come a day where our galaxy will collide again, and earth might be destryed or damaged greatly ; or earth and other planets will drift farther away [and become a cold dead planet] into the great void from which a big bang may have happened to begin with. were powerless to do a thing about it. but either way, by the time that happens, Id hope humans have enough knowlege and advancements that they can see thier possible demise and vacate and have another place to go. matters not though, we wont live long enough to know.