Carefully read the OP. A little confusing to be honest. The conclusion doesn't match the points being argued.
1.) I guess we could really use some definition of 'destructive'. Personally I don't find atheism registers on that scale. But, agree, if something helps someone to manage an addiction, brilliant. There isn't just one way to do this however.
2.) The Bethel allowance really isn't something to brag about. Does it meet minimum wage levels for the area? Does it meet living wage levels for the area? If the answer is no, equality in poor financial renumeration isn't a good thing! It's certainly not an answer to the world's problems (for reference, vulgar communism).
3.) I've always found JWs reliant on set phrases, pre-learned sentences and unable to engage in meaningful conversation on religious subjects. Some of that carries over into their personal conversations too. Watching the governing body give speeches highlights the huge problems with the JW method of teaching public speaking. To contrast, watch some of the best TED talks.
4.) JWs have often been canary in the mine on religious freedom issues, agree with that. At the same time, there's a lot of history there in how they've compromised, and pandered, with authoritarian regimes. Would highlight too that it's a very American view of religious freedoms which they promote and they fairly regularly have to have explained to them that other countries have different laws, especially when there's conflict between a public good and freedom to be a religious asshat.
5.) Being against evolution and for Arianism? Really? That's a good point? Your understanding of what constitutes a scientific theory is rather flawed. Perhaps something to research for yourself. Arianism is not new. Kind of unfashionable true enough, but then one does need to play with biblical interpretation to get there. None of this makes people responsible citizens though. Your point here is kind of logically incoherent I'm afraid - causes and effects are all sorts of confused. If your argument is that lots of people around the world believe the same things, yeah, that's a fair point. But that's one of the curious things about religions, people who don't share the belief leave, and those who remain get the religion to themselves. Not sure what it proves? JWs aren't unique in having shared dogma.
Curious really. Hope the OP has the time to explore some of the ideas which can be found on this forum. Perhaps weigh up whether a symbol can ever be more important than what is symbolised, whether allowing others to dictate one's interpretation of language (and then behaviour) should ever be a good thing, whether constantly getting things wrong but never owning to them is really a model to be encouraged etc etc. If the general point is that many JWs are nice, even good people, absolutely. I'll agree. But that doesn't stop them doing pretty terrible things in the name of their 'good'. Banality of evil as many clever people have commented upon since the Enlightenment.