JWs have more good points than bad

by lsw1961 183 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lsw1961

    1) Many who were on the destructive path have been transformed by their teachings (this includes me who was once vicious, and presumptuous and atheistic)

    2) Equal monthly pay to all members of the Bethel community regardless of whether they are BC members or sweepers. This is something that still remains as an unattainable dream for the world. But JWs have successfully done it in all their Offices throughout the world for over a century. This is no insignificant accomplishment as this has the potential to solve virtually all the problems of the world.

    3) The way they start their day with discussing a spiritual thoughts (Daily Text) puts the members in a good and positive frame of mind empowering them to deal with the challenges of the day ahead. They way they are being trained to talk to objection-raisers and conversation-stoppers gives them good speech mannerism in all avenues of life.

    4) Numerous legal victories in favor of freedom of expression and beliefs have helped even non-JWs also.

    5) They effectively invited the attention of the world into the thinking that evolution theory is just a theory believed out of convenience rather than conviction [if it were a principle, all scientists would have unanimously accepted it) and restored many biblical truths which Christendom had obscured (prominent among them is the superiority of Father —at a time when the son was viewed as more prominent than the Father, it was JWs who turned the attention of the world to the normal that The Father is highest of all and son is second in power. Such restorations have the potential to make adherents responsible-minded and good citizens! To accomplish such extra-ordinary things on a global scale, extra-ordinary courage is required.

    List can go on and on. At the same time I admit that they also have their weak side which arose unwittingly out of good-intention. Even Apostle Paul taught (in 1 Cor 10:11) that the kingdom would come in the first century. Such false teaching did not make believers evil citizens of their respective countries; on the contrary it made them more spiritual preparing themselves to meet the Lord! The Lord did not come, so what? People did become more spiritual, more humane just as students who prepare for examination too early do not lose anything! Hence discreet ones will take benefit from their good points and ignore the rest. Because judgment is on individuals (not on the organizations, religions, nations ... etc)—Mathew 25:31-46.

    However, ignoring all the good points of JWs and lashing them indiscriminately helps no one. Many in this forum lament about disfellowshiping and shunning policy of JWs. Of course I do refrain from shunning which I personally consider as wrong. But people choose to become JWs knowing very well about the above policy! Every organization (and even Governments) will have their own terms and conditions designed to protect their interest, and it is natural that anyone who tries to undermine them has to be disfellowshipped or should attract something similar (as Edward Snowdenrightly expects from the US Government). Such measures are not only right, but also a loving act as this is in the best interest of the majority of the law-abiding members of the organization/Governments. Anyone can have disagreements . When I found certain things confusing, I brought to the attention of the higher-ups who, in turn, told me to wait for Jehovah. I left it at that, and am still in the organization. You may accuse me of trying to be part of a herd which is comforting. If I had asserted, I would have been disfellowshipped and organization would still continue as it was before, thus asserting accomplishes nothing. However, asserting implies trying to prove that individual is more important than the organization, hence such individual should be shown the exit so that he can enjoy life outside the boundary!

    In your case, you are not enjoying your lives even after coming out of JWs as you are still worrying about what JWs are doing and attacking them relentlessly (just like a divorced husband, who passionately monitors his former wife and attacks her with no let up). What did those who declared: “we should kill Lazarus also” gain? (John 12:10) You can easily dismiss Lazarus episode as fictional. Yet history has enough examples of attacking the good just because they are good.

  • slimboyfat

    You say you disagree with shunning but that it is a loving arrangement. That's a bit confused. Why would you oppose something that is loving? I am sorry for the place you are mentally because I was there once too.

  • cofty
    Many who were on the destructive path have been transformed by their teachings

    Same can be said of Mormons. There are other reasons to become a better person without lying to ourselves

    Equal monthly pay to all members of the Bethel community

    The GB are worshipped by the R&F and they encourage that attitude. This is not equality. Thousands of Bethel family members are now being sent home with absolutely no help being offered for their welfare.

    They way they are being trained to talk to objection-raisers and conversation-stoppers

    Those days are long gone. Now most JWs could not defend their own beliefs. All they can do is tell people to go to the website

    More recently their legal experience has been to pay out countless millions to victims of pedophiles that they have protected form the authorities

    They effectively invited the attention of the world into the thinking that evolution theory is just a theory

    Evolution is a fact. Tell me which science books on evolution you have studied. I am sure the honest answer is none, This is called wilful ignorance

    The Lord did not come, so what?

    So he was a lying false prophet

    I found certain things confusing, I brought to the attention of the higher-ups who, in turn, told me to wait for Jehovah. I left it at that

    Then you are intellectually lazy and deserve to be still held captive by a mind-controlling cult

    In your case, you are not enjoying your lives even after coming out of JWs

    I am enjoying life very much thanks.

    you are still worrying about what JWs are doing and attacking them relentlessly

    Many of us still have close family trapped in the cult. Happily people like you are waking up every day and getting out.

    Welcome to the forum

  • punkofnice

    Hello Isw1961. I hope you stick around for a natter.

    Personally, I have seen some posters that leave comments like this, dissapear and not come back. I hope this isn't an attempt to troll or worse 'count time'.

    There is good and bad in all. I know lovely JWs, Pentecostals, Mormans, Muslims and also I know awful ones too.

    I'm hoping the reason you posted here was because you are questioning your 7 leaders. You can learn a lot here.

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    "They way they are being trained to talk to objection-raisers and conversation-stoppers gives them good speech mannerism in all avenues of life."

    I suggest that you watch the recent proceedings of the Australian Royal Commission - the interviews of senior elders, branch heads, and Jackson of the GB. You may (or may not) wish to revise your opinion on this point.

    ETA: Welcome!

  • jookbeard

    I dont know if this is a troll but I'll have a go at these points,

    1) we do hear of folks turning their lives around embracing some god of the bible but every single religion on the planet can boast those claims, what about when members become fully involved after some years, elders especially covering over child abuse? meeting in secret kangaroo courts judging demanding to hear the most explicit details of peoples indiscretions? you think they are good traits for religious groups to boast about?

    2) Equal pay is a myth, GB members enjoy a better monthly allowance, have the best accommodation, ever heard the term "green handshake?" did you see the wrist watches of various GB members on their videos? one was wearing a new iwatch, another a Rolex, I cant afford neither, if you ever get the chance to visit the car parks of Brooklyn and Warwick take a look at what cars they drive, you may be surprised.

    3) discussing the day text with an exert from a watchtower is anything special? LOL

    4) Those numerous legal victories could have helped more high control groups like the WTS to enjoy certain freedoms world wide, that means more of the unsuspecting, gullible mentally unwell folks have fallen as prey to these groups who almost all of them , destroy families, and preach a hate filled message, not what the world needs in this 21st century

    5) take your time to study about creation/evolution, or adhere to the Bibles account that the world was created in 6 days ! I take it you have never been cut off from family and friends, the psychological damage it has one people, masses amount of suicides that has resulted from it, you may have a long list of how great they are, stay on this forum buddy , your mind may change soon.

  • jookbeard

    one final point, always be very very careful when comparing yourself or the group you are a member of to Biblical characters, always ends in tears!

    unwittingly arose out of good intention!

    a rather pathetic excuse, and one that doesn't wash unfortunately , if I had a pound for every time I heard that

    "lashing them indiscriminately helps no one"

    oh yes it does, your group haemorrhage members, thanks to the electronic age , millions are waking up , leaving your dangerous high control groups , and leading a safer life that protects children and their own health, typical apologists like this make me laugh so much!

  • Driving Force
    Driving Force


    Welcome to the forum, it is nice to have you here.

    You have every right to express you opinions and I am happy that you found this forum to do so. I agree with some of what you say, but not much.

    I joined the JWs in 1986 and I honestly believed in what was said and I followed along like a sheep for many years, believing that the GB really had our best interests at heart, only to find out after 29 years that that is not the case.

    The things that are wrong far outweigh the good things here is a list of some of the things that bothered me about the organization that caused me to leave:

    Child abuse - 2 Witness rule (See "Candace Conti vs Watchtower as an example)

    UNO - NGO membership

    Environmental pollution issues

    Owning shares in companies that deal in weapons

    Owning shares in companies that deal in pornography

    Intellectual dishonesty

    Using mind controlling techniques in their literature and meetings

    Flip - flops in teaching

    Overlapping generation teaching

    the list goes on. Have you tried "www.jwfacts.com" or "www.jwsurvey.org" for information?

    It might be a good idea if you did that.

    Like I have already said, we are happy to have you on the forum.

  • punkofnice

    I don't think the poster will be back. At least not on this thread.

    I hope to be proven wrong.

  • Driving Force
    Driving Force


    I think you are right, he bit off more than he could chew.

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