Phizzy-right on
njp-thats crazy
My take is thats its their method of control. They really don't trust the bros to just go out because they want to, rather big bro is always watching you. Right now going from door to door is a formality for show. I mean its very annoying to people, bordering on creeppy. Time consuming. I hate it, always did.never really injoyed it. I ask my wife of 28yrs- baptized in 1976 when was the last time you started a study going from door to door. Blank stare. (exacly) Me personally I dont want to start a study. Short story-I was in FS once working door to door (had stepped off as a elder allready by then) . This uppiddy Elders Wife and young sister was working a door on the second landing of a house, another two sisters didnt see them and started working on the 1st landing. just mentioned to elders wife that they were there because she couldnt see them. She very rudely said out loud oh it doesnt matter!!. Later i just mentioned to her Elder husband, not what she said so much, but how she said it (disrespecful in front of everybody) You Know what he ask me? Who was taking the lead that day? As if to say i had no right to say any thing to her. Ok thats when the street came out. I ask him if someone came up to his wife and smacked her or attacked her Im supposed to go looking for the bro who's taking the lead that day??? Blank Stare (Exacly)