give heaven a pass-never met an interesting annoited brosthey were some boring people. not my kind of peeps
JoinedPosts by dugout
Finally some good news for us nonbeleivers! :)
by suavojr inpope francis assures atheists: you dont have to believe in god to go to heaven.
in comments likely to enhance his progressive reputation, pope francis has written a long, open letter to the founder of la repubblica newspaper, eugenio scalfari, stating that non-believers would be forgiven by god if they followed their consciences.. responding to a list of questions published in the paper by mr scalfari, who is not a roman catholic, francis wrote: you ask me if the god of the christians forgives those who dont believe and who dont seek the faith.
Phizzy-right on
njp-thats crazy
My take is thats its their method of control. They really don't trust the bros to just go out because they want to, rather big bro is always watching you. Right now going from door to door is a formality for show. I mean its very annoying to people, bordering on creeppy. Time consuming. I hate it, always did.never really injoyed it. I ask my wife of 28yrs- baptized in 1976 when was the last time you started a study going from door to door. Blank stare. (exacly) Me personally I dont want to start a study. Short story-I was in FS once working door to door (had stepped off as a elder allready by then) . This uppiddy Elders Wife and young sister was working a door on the second landing of a house, another two sisters didnt see them and started working on the 1st landing. just mentioned to elders wife that they were there because she couldnt see them. She very rudely said out loud oh it doesnt matter!!. Later i just mentioned to her Elder husband, not what she said so much, but how she said it (disrespecful in front of everybody) You Know what he ask me? Who was taking the lead that day? As if to say i had no right to say any thing to her. Ok thats when the street came out. I ask him if someone came up to his wife and smacked her or attacked her Im supposed to go looking for the bro who's taking the lead that day??? Blank Stare (Exacly)
No Blood windshield stickers
by HappyDad ini just walked back from getting my mail and happen to walk right by an automobile that belongs to the jw's who live in the end of my building.
the sticker in the low left of the windshield caught my attention so i stopped to read it.
it was a sticker that said......advanced medical blood!
First of all your car will run like crap on fractions of 10w/30 and second if I do get into accident I will give up my blood........ at a fraction (one at a time though)
This new JW video is so stupid that it has to be a troll
by Pacopoolio inrecently, my mother, who had stopped talking to me because i was 'apostate,' started speaking to me again.. (note that i successfully faded as opposed to ever being disfellowshipped due to dodging every elder question with "i'm not sure, i'm still searching and trying to find the answers.").
the reason why?
at the international convention this year, they receieved a new video called something or other.
Yo peeps i'm not even going to waist my time by watching this video. All 5 of my children are grown left the religion as soon as they got out of their teens. they went thru the same problems that young folks go thru made some mistakes like we all do. All of them doing just fine now. In fact I am proud of them. None ever got baptized. At least I can speak and associate with them. HA! Now make a video like that. I'll watch that. Videos not realistic. Pure Fantasy!!!! Just supports their aggender. Is this where all those kingdom hall funds go into producing such films?
by free2beme inas the conventions are in full swing, and my relatives who are still in make a point to tell me what their vacation will include.
i am reminded of a couple of things about conventions i do not normally think about.. one, the people who would protest the conventions.
some with bags on their head, others just holding signs.
Is it just me???? But in the new gray bibles in the back index pages. Has a picture of satan the dragon being thrown out of heaven, then it says ABOUT 1914 about???? what does that mean. By the way I'm still just Physically in. My wife shes just a programed robot. I showed her this, she acked like she didn't see it. (no comment)She is so faithful to this GANG. By the way, my assembly is coming up (which I'm dredding) I anticapte over crowding,parkinglot jams, limited seating because its only going to be one that I know of in our area. Used to be at least 4. I live in a giant metropolis. If thats the case (i'm sure) I'm not staying. My story soon. Elder 14yrs stepped off not down 5yrs ago dont like this Gang anymore. In because of wife. We will Talk. Luv u guys Im diggingout
100 years of Christs Rule ? Acheivments ? Are you serious ?
by smiddy intell me what acheivements have been acheived that are different than what are proclaimed by protestant religions .in the 100 years of christs reign according to jehovahs witnesses , is their anything that stands out as jehovahs witnesses have more direction ?
from god ?.
if you look at their history , google , you will see they are nowwhere near being spokespersons for god .. smiddy.
100yrs of kingdom speculation and disappointments, how do u celebrate that. Its crazy how they turn that around to be some kind of achievment.I can't take these people anymore
100 years of Christs Rule ? Acheivments ? Are you serious ?
by smiddy intell me what acheivements have been acheived that are different than what are proclaimed by protestant religions .in the 100 years of christs reign according to jehovahs witnesses , is their anything that stands out as jehovahs witnesses have more direction ?
from god ?.
if you look at their history , google , you will see they are nowwhere near being spokespersons for god .. smiddy.
ok I think i got it now hey guys newbie here been lurking for years. got a lot to say. bornin lockedup 49yrs story coming soon Im dugout now
100 years of Christs Rule ? Acheivments ? Are you serious ?
by smiddy intell me what acheivements have been acheived that are different than what are proclaimed by protestant religions .in the 100 years of christs reign according to jehovahs witnesses , is their anything that stands out as jehovahs witnesses have more direction ?
from god ?.
if you look at their history , google , you will see they are nowwhere near being spokespersons for god .. smiddy.