Armeggedon did come it was invisible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at that time I was a19yr old MS chasing these beautiful horney or should I say those wanting to get married sisters. 1975 I was having a ball. It Flew right over my head. In fact 1976 was my best year. dating three sisters at one time. I remember being over this one sister(regular pioneer) place. We were making out hot, WHEN two of her pioneer partners stopped by, they knew she was home cause they had just talked to her on the phone. Told her don't even answer the door. She panicked. straighted up real fast answerd the door, but forgot to comb her hair. These sisters were staring at her hair the whole time in disbelief, then glance over at me.( A MS and regular pioneer) We laugh about that even today when I see her. Guess what she still pioneering!!