Thank you for that golden words: " God is not there to serve people."
In fact He has already served us with the life-support systems He has put in place on earth, which is more than enough for our enjoyment.
prayer is often an expression of an if-then deal that tacitly denies equal rights to the other party.
the form and essence of most prayers go like this: if you do this favor to me, i will do this (pioneering, or put in more hours in the preaching) for you.
and if not...well, then, too bad for you, god, because you didn't deliver as was clearly outlined in the contract.. this shows religion has failed in its primary duty of reconnecting (religare, latin) man with god and fellow humans; and ironically has led to numerous divisions and disunity!
Thank you for that golden words: " God is not there to serve people."
In fact He has already served us with the life-support systems He has put in place on earth, which is more than enough for our enjoyment.
nothing good exists outside jw world is the general thinking among jws.
if they read the heart of the enlightened (written by anthony de mello), they would probably feel how wrong they were!
story goes like this: there once lived a godly man.
on seeing the horrifying scene of world trade centre being attacked and knowing the pain of those trapped in and their loved ones, not only in new york but across the world millions of people turned into silence, prayer, and meditation.
they gathered on the streets, lit candles, wrote condolence, anything to feel solidarity and to spread a wave of love.
churches, temples, mosques and retreat centers were flooded with people seeking to raise their consciousness beyond the senseless killing to a higher, more noble plane.
On seeing the horrifying scene of world trade centre being attacked and knowing the pain of those trapped in and their loved ones, not only in New York but across the world millions of people turned into silence, prayer, and meditation. They gathered on the streets, lit candles, wrote condolence, anything to feel solidarity and to spread a wave of love. Churches, temples, mosques and retreat centers were flooded with people seeking to raise their consciousness beyond the senseless killing to a higher, more noble plane. People INSTINCTIVELY turned to the unseen and intangible for their support. It is a silent acknowledgement of what has always been known, namely, that spiritual power can unite, and heal, and transcend the powers of darkness.
This is not the specialty of tragic times only. Even at the height of material prosperity too people may suddenly feel disillusioned and turn to their original nature of being spiritual as happened in the case of ancient people like Buddha …. and in the case of modern people like Bill Gates … Because all are seeking happiness without knowing that it is their very nature, hence they turned extrovert. It’s only a matter of time one will turn spiritual when he doesn’t get what he is looking for from outside! For this to happen a God-appointed channel is not required (which will only create some authoritarians, not spiritual people!) People have to learn from experience [own or of others]. (Galatians 6:7) Yet people are not supposed to cross the limit as He has appointed “His minister” with a sword (Romans 13:1-6)
in this article gerrit talks about his father in the first and last paragraphs, what he says about him and his hope for him goes against all that witnesses have preached about the worldly for the last 100 years... as i recall aren't all the worldly supposed to be destroyed and never have a hope of everlasting life like jw's are, and isn't that the purpose of the preaching work to baptize and warn the worldly of this???
if not why do jws even preach, or even become jws in the first place if all have a hope of everlasting life, jw and non-jw, are they releasing a little hint at new light to come???
or am i just missing or over analyzing something?.
You are right! The writer obviously means all those soldiers who fight a war and got killed are going to be resurrected. Then why preach? is a question even Bible cannot answer. Because Bible itself created such a riddle:
‘Those who know the Law will be judged by the Law, and those who do not know the Law will be judged according to their conscience.’—Romans 2:12-15
nothing good exists outside jw world is the general thinking among jws.
if they read the heart of the enlightened (written by anthony de mello), they would probably feel how wrong they were!
story goes like this: there once lived a godly man.
‘Nothing good exists outside JW world’ is the general thinking among JWs. If they read “The Heart of the Enlightened” (written by Anthony de Mello), they would probably feel how wrong they were! Story goes like this: “There once lived a godly man. One day an angel came to him and told him God is pleased with him and any wish of his would be granted by God.
1) “Would you like to have the gift of healing?” the angel asked.
“No, it’s best that God did the healing Himself,” said the man.
2) “Would you like to help those who have gone astray?”
“No, that work is best done by angels.”
3) “Would you like to become a model of virtue for others to emulate?
“No, I don’t want to become the center of attention.”
Angel said: “If you do not ask for a wish, one would be granted anyway.”
“Alright,” said the holy man, “my wish is that good be done through me without my even being aware of it.”
From that moment on, the old man’s shadow was filled with the power of healing. And wherever he went, his shadow was healing people. And it was like as though all those other three gifts too were granted to him—he was healing, helping those who have gone astray and becoming a model of virtue for others to emulate! He was free from ego!!!
This is the best, because it captures exactly the attitude of God Himself—He equally nourishes the good and the bad through the life-support systems He has put in place on the earth without giving the impression that He is behind, and is not at all bothered about the praise or ridicule people shower on Him.—Mathew 5:44-48
How come such superb stories come from people whom JWs consider to be the part of the world being ruled by Satan? How far superior is the above parable to the parable of Mathew 24:45-48 (the most-cherished parable of JWs) which indirectly glorifies slavery! Contrast the above with the glory given to pioneers (the announcement in the Kingdom Hall when some joins the rank and the subsequent clapping of hands) and the life-stories published in WT highlighting the years of service ….
okay, so its no secret that many of us are hoping to see the downfall of the wtbts (or at least a mass exodous of jws away from them anyway).
i was wondering if you had any thoughts on what this might look like?.
we all know that most every jw has their doubts, large and small, but is afraid to speak due to the illusion of unanimity and self censorship .
Thank you for this. In fact this is what I was planning to post!
The Illusion of Unanimity and Self Censorship" captures the true picture! Meltdown will begin in its own time. I know some who left JWs on some excuse—yet their real reason was their well-founded doubt: What if WT System fails? This will definitely happen in large scale, it will happen like Berlin Wall collapse.
prayer is often an expression of an if-then deal that tacitly denies equal rights to the other party.
the form and essence of most prayers go like this: if you do this favor to me, i will do this (pioneering, or put in more hours in the preaching) for you.
and if not...well, then, too bad for you, god, because you didn't deliver as was clearly outlined in the contract.. this shows religion has failed in its primary duty of reconnecting (religare, latin) man with god and fellow humans; and ironically has led to numerous divisions and disunity!
Prayer is often an expression of an “if-then” deal that tacitly denies equal rights to the other party. The form and essence of most prayers go like this: “If you do this favor to me, I will do this (pioneering, or put in more hours in the preaching) for you.” And “if not...well, then, too bad for you, God, because you didn't deliver as was clearly outlined in the contract.”
This shows religion has failed in its primary duty of RECONNECTING (religare, Latin) man with God and fellow humans; and ironically has led to numerous divisions and disunity! The prayers, rituals and offerings encourage people to seek mostly material benefits from God, thus unwittingly RECONNECTING them more and more with the materialistic world. And what is the result? Disquiet and Disharmony. [Jesus spoke against prayer when he said: “Your Father ALREADY knows what you need before you ask Him.” (Mathew 6:8) The prayer that Jesus supposedly taught thereafter is actually an insult to God [such as asking God to “give us our daily bread”—something He has already made ETERNAL provisions for … and asking God to learn from humans: “forgive us the wrongs we have done, as WE forgive the wrongs that others have done to us”], hence may be an interpolation!
Interestingly, this is something people do not need any proof. People who had swum in the ocean of material wealth would feel pity on those who bargain for material benefits with God through their prayers: “Happiness lies in the mind’s release from worldly things.”—Buddha (Compare Mathew 5:3; 16:24)
okay, this is going to be a bit of a general rant.
i had a long conversation with a jw elder recently about shunning and evolution.
i became qunite frustrated with the conversation and admitted this at the time.
It's greatest irony! Here is a religion that claims many Court victories in their fight for religious freedom; yet once inside, its own members have no freedom of expression!
back in the 60s, wt literature stressed that jesus died to offset adamic sin.. later, they started talking in terms of jesus dying for personal sins as well, but maybe that was ray franz's influence.. as a jw, did you feel that jesus died for your sins or only for adam's original sin?.
does anyone know the current wt teaching on this?.
Jesus had no idea of ransom (which was a later development). He came with the expectation that people would believe him and world would be transformed into a paradise. This is reflected in his statements such as:
“Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.” (John 5:24)
“Whoever lives by believing in me will never die.”—John 11:26
His calculation went wrong when he attacked the religious establishment of his time: “On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple courts and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts. And as he taught them, he said,“Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’[c]? But you have made it ‘a den of robbers.’” The chief priests and the teachers of the law heard this and began looking for a way to KILL him.” (Mark 11:15-16)
worship (verb).
show reverence and adoration for (a deity); honor with religious rites.. .
i was just thinking about the two meetings a week.
I agree with OneEyedJoe