Satan is the creation of human mind. The very fact that Satan supposedly took Jesus to a high mountain so that "whole" earth could be visible to both of them betrays belief of the first century HUMANS that earth's shape was flat. If Satan is REAL, he would have definitely known the correct shape of earth!
Posts by Pinku
Satan and the demons, ghosts, spirits, fortune tellers. Are they real?
by KateWild ini believe in god.
i don't believe he punishes or rewards people.
so by the same extention i don't believe any spirit beings can communicate with or influence humans.. many who do not believe in god though, have gone to fortune tellers.
A blind man shows what real faith is!
by Pinku ini had always difficulty in understanding scriptures (such as mathew 6:33) which gives the impression that god will take care of us, like the way he does with birds and flowers..... when i read about a blind man and his accomplishments, i really understood the above scriptures.
jacques lusseyran had every circumstance to blame god-- blind from since the age of eight, as a french resistance fighter he was betrayed by a colleague to the gestapo, survived buchanwald ..... he finally migrated to us and became a professor at hawaii university.
he wrote many books on perception, as well as an autobiography (and there was light).
I had always difficulty in understanding scriptures (such as Mathew 6:33) which gives the impression that God will take care of us, like the way He does with “birds and flowers….”
When I read about a blind man and his accomplishments, I really understood the above scriptures. Jacques Lusseyran had every circumstance to blame God-- blind from since the age of eight, as a French Resistance fighter he was betrayed by a colleague to the Gestapo, survived Buchanwald ….. He finally migrated to US and became a professor at Hawaii University. He wrote many books on perception, as well as an autobiography (And There Was Light)
Lusseyan wrote beautifully about how observation works. He described how “every sound, every scent, and every shape is forever changing into light” on his “inner screen.” He was able to perceive external objects, such as trees, gates, walls, and even people, according to the intensity of light or shadow they cast. He “saw” by differentiating between the variations of light or shade.
How did this blind man develop this ability to “see”? He learned not to rush impatiently towards things. Instead, he found that by being still, THINGS CAME TO MEET HIM. Any internal reaction or agitation on his part pushed things away; his impatience “displaced objects,” his sadness “dimmed them.” “By contrast,” he noted, “joy illuminates everything.” This perception made him sensitive to his own feelings and the feelings of others. He found that inner calm helped him to heighten his skills of observation and perception which helped him to lead a normal life just like others who had eye-sight.
When Jesus spoke about faith, it was about the conviction built by the past. He said behind everything (life, life support systems and systems making life enjoyable) see only one DOER. (Mathew 6:22-26) Hence he never meant faith as something like a fantasy that God would save us in times of need or trouble. It is not for God to violate Law of Nature (Galatians 6:7.) What God has ALREADY done with the nature and humans (especially man’s two aspects—material and immaterial) would take care of any eventuality! Even if something is lost on the way, he only need to operate from the stillness of his inner-self, any loss is compensated! The principle by which you and I see each other was not created by us, and it is same with everyone. So is with all other senses--including the sixth sense!
No wonder the Hebrews used the word emunah which means both faith and confidence. It comes from the root amah meaning to foster and nurture (self with kindness which kindles faith); hence it’s all about having faith primarily in the self, then in God and in life itself! This explains how people like Beethoven (deaf) accomplished even more than what even normal people could!
No Logic in the world!
by Pinku inpeople fight over little things because they look for logic in each others position.
it is like asking why this ocean drop of water is salty.
is the whole ocean not salty?
Thus you agreed to my point--no logic in the world!
That's a good step in life, towards logic!
No Logic in the world!
by Pinku inpeople fight over little things because they look for logic in each others position.
it is like asking why this ocean drop of water is salty.
is the whole ocean not salty?
People fight over little things because they look for logic in each other’s position. It is like asking why this ocean drop of water is salty. Is the whole ocean not salty? Similarly, the whole world is submerged in illogicality! To mention a few:
1) Common sense says when resources come decreased, one should reduce expenses. Yet the world is in a spree of increasing population (that increases all types of expenses) when resources are fast depleting!
2) Science gave people many comforts and also created things to destroy all those comforts and even the very earth itself several times, and gave button into the hands of politicians who have the history of creating war (sometimes starting a war under false flag)!
3) We have block-buster mega hit movies that show humans uniting against superior alien (ET) invasion, highlighting the eternal truth that superior beings should not view the weaker/inferior beings as mere objects of pleasure. Yet humans kill the inferior lamb, cow, chicken to add taste to their food!
4) People encourage all types of innovation on the gadgets they use (compare today’s cars, mobile phnes, computers … with those of the past years). Yet no one is interested in innovating the most important instrument—language. Why do we need thousands of words for sun, moon, earth, water, air, fire …? Why can’t we have just one word for one item?
5) When everything goes well, we smile and say to ourselves: I DESERVE THIS. When life becomes tough, or situation goes differently from what we expect, we blame everyone else—including God! We may even go to extent of denying His very existence!
Apostasy: Not For True Christians
by Watchtower-Free infyi interesting article.
apostasy: not for true christians
The wrier of the artcle calls the apostates "mentally diseased."
Poor fellow does'nt know that greatest apostasy is calling God as our Father and calling the rest of the humanity as pagan/Babylon the great. By this token, JWs are the greatest apostates on earth!
Off to Edinburgh With cards
by cofty inwe are going to edinburgh today to see what's going at the festival, go out for a meal and probably see a show.. i have made up some cards with the logo to hand to jws on the trolleys.
there is nothing on the cards part from the logo.
ttatt is only a click away..
Wish you all the very best!
God listens and RESPONDS to your prayer if you know how to log on to Him! Here is the proof.
by exWTslave inall my family members and friends (that include some elders) advised me to divorce my wife whose only joy was to pick up fight with me for everything i do, except my grand-mother who said: when you married her, you looked for only her good pointher regular pioneering despite having an opposing family.
for being good, you will ultimately reap something far better through her.
stick on to her.
Hi exWTslave,
Thank you for sharing this. It inspires me to apply your tactic in the very process of selecting a marriage partner (rather than going for a repair work later). After my initial selection, I will go into the REAL SILENCE as you say is the PASSWORD, then will wait for His OK.
Anyhow that was good. Further what you said makes sense, and explains why some do not succeed in meditation and eventually drop off and why some (like Jesus who used to spend "the whole night" in meditation, and other millions in the Himalayas ... Japanese Zens.....) keep on doing more and more.
The only place where JWs are explicitly mentioned in the Bible?!
by Pinku inif they say to you, he is in the desert, do not go out there;.
if they say, he is in the inner rooms, do not believe it.
(mathew 24:26).
“If they say to you, “He is in the desert,” do not go out there;
If they say, “he is in the inner rooms,” do not believe it”. (Mathew 24:26)
If someone is in the desert or in the inner rooms, what is being highlighted is that person’s presence is not readily visible. Because Jesus contrasts this aspect with his visibility in the very next verse: “For just as the lightning comes from the East, and is SEEN as far as the West, so will be the coming (“presence,” NW) of the Son of Man be.” (Mathew 24:27 compare 2Thess 2:1, 2)
Interestingly, Jehovah’s Witnesses are known for their proclamation that Jesus’s presence is invisible!
Ironically, this is the very thing that the Bible asks people ‘not to believe.’
Yet, what to say about the millions who believe them!!!
Spirituality is simple (hence opposed to religions)!
by Pinku inall religionsincluding jwsare thriving on complicating spirituality.
look at the books and magazines a small group such as jws have published, not to mention the works of other mammoth religions.
yet, are they not all mere waste?.
All religions—including JWs—are thriving on complicating spirituality. Look at the books and magazines a small group such as JWs have published, not to mention the works of other mammoth religions. Yet, are they not all mere waste?
This thought came up to me in my College the other day when my class-mate concluded her talk! It was an extemporaneous speech session as part of the curriculum. Most of us did manage somehow! Then, it was the turn of an Indian student. She came to the stage and waited for her subject. Our Professor looked at the red-dot decoration on her forehead, and asked her to speak on that for five minute. She started:
“In my native tongue this is called Bindi. But it comes from Sanskrit bindu, meaning "a small dot." Though it has now become a part of cosmetics, originally it was a bright dot of red color applied in the centre of the forehead close to the eyebrows, worn as a symbol of THIRD EYE to remind us of two great truths:
a) The third eye is said to enable us to see all three aspect of time as one continuum. It helps me to see my present as the product of my past (hence I should accept in pleasantness whatever happens in my life), and my future will be product of my present (hence I have to be careful with the choices I make NOW)!
b) It also symbolizes my real “I”, the consciousness, which is like a spark of light, seated behind the forehead between the eyebrows. This reminds me that I am a spirit-being in this physical body which is like a vehicle. When I am living in this awareness, many spiritual qualities will surface:
1) In this AWARENESS, I know that my spirit (conscious energy) is superior to material energy that make up the physical body, hence have to re-establishe my sovereignty over my body-senses, and begin to act with PURE motive towards others as I am one with them in make-up (spirit + body).
2) In this PURITY, there emerges JOY.
3) In this JOYFULNESS, I want others also to be joyful as I am, hence I should begin to care for others’ needs without being asked for and without even expecting anything in return (which is called LOVE).
4) In this LOVE, I give and receive love, as a result of which PEACE is experienced by me and others around. [In all these five basic qualities of spirit, there are positive side-effects—they make me powerful (POWER) against any relapse, like butter extracted from milk will not merge with water any more. They will also help me to remain blissful/balanced (BLISS) towards all circumstances and all beings!]
What a wonder! Just putting a red dot on my forehead and remembering its symbolisms accomplish these much! Hence, I do not find the need of any religion in my life. Religions thrive on complicating simple truths!”
A faithful and discreet slave is an extraneous agency!
by Pinku inthere is an automatic course-correcting mechanism (which is a combination of free-will and determinism) already in place:.
the more selfless one is, the happier he becomesas a result of which he gives what he has (joy) to others and receives the same from others.. the more selfish one is, the more unhappy he becomesas a result of which he gives what he has (peacelessness & pain) to others and receives the same from others.. hence, god has neither apppointed a faithful and discreet slave to feed his people, nor will he appoint such an extraneous agency!.
There is an automatic COURSE-CORRECTING MECHANISM (which is a combination of free-will and determinism) already in place:
The more selfless one is, the happier he becomes—as a result of which he gives what he has (JOY) to others and receives the same from others.
The more selfish one is, the more unhappy he becomes—as a result of which he gives what he has (PEACELESSNESS & PAIN) to others and receives the same from others.
Hence, God has neither apppointed “a faithful and discreet slave” to feed His people, nor will he appoint such an extraneous agency!