Me too please, thank you
JoinedPosts by truthwillsetyoufree
2020-10-Publications Approved For Discard! (as of 2020-10-29)
by Atlantis in2020-10--publications approved for discard.. .
reply below and i'll meet you back at the pm breakroom for coffee and a link.. .
2020-08-25 Food Distribution Program! (as of 2020-08-26)
by Atlantis in2020-08-25 food distribution program.
those on the email list have already received this letter.
if you would like a copy, reply below and i'll meet you at your pm box with a link.petra!.
Me please
2020-08-14 Announcement! (as of 2020-08-15)
by Atlantis in2 documents.
2020-08-14 announcement.
one in english and one in german.. .
Add me please! Many thanks!
hey i'm new here
by damienexists inheyo, my name is damien, i'm a trans teenager, and i'm a non practicing jehovah's witness, or deist.
i came here to find other people like me and also to ask if i can be a practicing jehovah's witness and be trans?
or would i have to say i'm cis and hope they believe me?.
Hello Damien.
You can not be trans and be accepted as a Jehovah’s Witness.
Whatever body you were born in that is the gender they expect you to stay as no matter how you feel inside. You will be told to rely on Jehovah and wait until paradise where he will fix those feelings.
You could try to live a double life - many have. But You’ll always live in fear that someone will discover your secret and inform the elders. If that should happen whilst you’re living as a trans person your life will be turned upside down.
You have discovered early on in your life that you are trans which is good. So please be true to yourself and stay away from groups of people who won’t allow you to be who you are.
The bridge
by truthwillsetyoufree inso my father, who is an active jehovah’s witness, told me yesterday of an experience currently doing its rounds amongst the witnesses in relation to cart witnessing.
there is a bridge called ‘the bridge’ which is a well known place for people committing suicide.
apparently the jws have been setting up there literature carts there for a while now and ever since they have there has been no more suicide attempts from the bridge.
So my Father, who is an active Jehovah’s Witness, told me yesterday of an experience currently doing its rounds amongst the witnesses in relation to cart witnessing.
There is a bridge called ‘The Bridge’ which is a well known place for people committing suicide. Apparently the JWs have been setting up there literature carts there for a while now and ever since they have there has been no more suicide attempts from the bridge. “Its amazing what effect the literature carts are having!” Exclaimed my father. I of course, as sceptical as ever since leaving the JWs do not believe a word of it. I was wondering if anyone else has heard talk of this bridge?
Apostasy Movie (For those who have forgotten)
by KW13 inthis movie is out there now in the us and im guessing other territories and due to be released tomorrow in the uk in cinema and for streaming.
i didnt realise until recently the man behind it all shares a mutual friend with myself so im hoping to get to meet him because this film looks like it will do more for ex witnesses who need justification for moving on and for those who don't understand the religion, i think it teaches more than any documentary?.
I am heading to the theatre in Glasgow tonight with my partner to watch this. Very much looking forward to it
Anybody here still believe in the bible?
by Mel Morris ini'm a current bible student of jw's looking to chat with someone about biblical doctrine.
i'm not interested in talking with an apostate or a fader, i'm just a person looking for answers and wondered if there are any neutral voices in this forum who have good insights into the bible.
i currently talk with a couple of jw's on a personal level from my congregation and they are knowledgeable to a certain extent, but i dare not ask them certain questions because, as you know, the congregation has a culture of fear that impacts trust and openness, especially concerning biblical doctrine or the societies teachings.
Hi Mel, I would love the opportunity to discuss bible teachings and doctrine with you. Please private message me with any questions you have
An honest look at the situation
by Formerbrother ini was brought up in the truth.
i saw a lot unchristian things going on in my local body of elders, my dad was an elder and waiting outside elders meetings to go home with my mum and other wives, we sometimes heard raised voices in the 2nd school.
the other mums would raise their voices as well thinking of something to say to hide the elders 'private' arguments.. my dad hated it all, i think he hated having to keep things secret from my mum and me.. anyway, i got baptised, and as we did back then didnt think about further education but instead pioneered.
I discovered TTATT 8 years ago. I was raised a JW, couldn’t wait to leave school to begin pioneering, rejected all forms of higher education and trusted in JW. I started window cleaning. 😂 I pioneered and the truth was my life. I through myself into the Polish field and supported 3 polish groups as well as my English congregation. I was heavily involved and well known as a witness. Had a couple of doubts. Read crisis of conscience and soon stopped my association with the religion. It’s been 8 years and I’m still a window cleaner! I have a thriving round, good reputation. I love being my own boss even if it is only cleaning dirty windows. I’ve even bought a house now and I still get plenty of time to myself which I wouldn’t get if I was employed. I am also enrolled with th open university and slowly getting a degree as a back up in case anything should happen but I have no desire to give up window cleaning. It was one of the best things I did starting a round and I will keep at it. There may not be any benefits and pension being self employed or sick and holiday pay but if you run it as a proper business and put some money aside to cover such things then you are on to a good thing. 👍
I a.m. under the inpression (my opinion) that the society has come under a spot of fire regarding shunning, and having looked at some YouTube clips with regard to recent court cases shunning has definitely been brought up. It is interesting to note that there is even an article on the website regarding whether or not Jws practice shunning. This is a very controversial subject to bring up especially when the organisation actively encourages the public to go on to It’s surprising to see that the society would bring it to the publics attention. That is until you read the stupid article! And then you realise what the crafty org. is trying to do! They make out, online, that the organisation does not shun members who “fall away”. But seek to encourage them to return. Try don’t say ‘no’ or ‘yes’ to the answer. We all know that an honest answer here would be “yes we do practise shunning”. But of course that would make the organisation look bad. So they sidestep the question by focusing on, not on disfellowshipped personwho are indeed shunned, but on those who have simply ‘fallen away’ those who have stopped going to the meetings and engaging in the ministry, such ones who have not been disfellowshipped. Instead of actually answering the question directly they focus on a a certain group of people in order to answer the question. The answer of course is ‘no, we don’t shun these people’. But it’s no different from saying “well, if a person skips a meeting we don’t shun him” or “if a member forgets to bring his bible to the meeting we don’t shun him.” The question is do the witness practise shunning. The answer is yes! But the watchtower has once again skirted the question and attempts to mislead the audience into thinking that shunning is in fact not practised for JW.orh says so. This is simply done to make the organisation look more attractive that it actually is and will only reveal the truth when the individual has already studied the book “what does the bible really teach” and moved into the Gods love book, by which the individual would have become acquainted with many friendly witnesses even becoming friends, no doubt beginning to attend meetings and already transitioning to a JW lifestyle. At this point they are primed to accept harder to swallow teachings such as ‘witnesses shun those who are disfellowshipped’.
Imagine if the person was given that detail before they chose to study! My mother cofessed to me (she is still a JW) that had she realised what the teaching of shunning was all about then she never would have joined!
How does my rambling on concern the June watchtower and this thought that the society may change is shunning stance? Simply this: the organisation will never change its stance on the shunning principle. Just like the two witness rule the shunning teaching has received media attention and continues to do so in many western countries. It’s being featured on television, YouTube clips, newspapers and of course all over the internet. The two witness rule which many of us hoped would change due to all the bad publicity that teaching has had recently had the opposite affect on the governing body than we had hoped. Instead of modifying it the governing body hardened their hearts and released articles and even videos I b reaffirming, stomping their feet almost, that the two witness rule will not be changed.
Any article and video brought out now regarding the shunning policy will have the same thing happen. It may present the teaching has having been changed and presented in a favourable light. But this will have nothing to do with disfellowshipped ones - they remain firmly shunned. Any article will serve as a teaching tool to help the faithful be able to better express to the public that the shunning teaching doesn’t happen - we all know, and my dad is the perfect example, that whatever the watchtower says is parroted by deluded jws. Present the shunning teaching in a way that looks like the witness don’t shun to the average ‘borgbot’ and they will repeat it verbatim to the public. You’ll have witnesses saying we don’t shun anyone whilst still shunning people and not even realising the contradiction.
Thise of you who have read this far I offer my apologise. I am completely unable, like the watchtower, to answer a question directly, succinctly and straight to the point. Like the watchtower I go over every angle, examine all the detail and write for the sake of writing.
Even now offering this apology I am rambling.
If I had gone to bethel I would like to believe that I would have been sent straight to the writing department.
Anyone at dudley this weekend
by Deltawave ini attended the assembly programming at dudley yesterday (saturday) and it was so boring.. only 5 baptisms i think.
during the baptism talk an 11 year old girl was interviewed who has already been baptised a year!
Dudley in the West Midlands UK was my go to assembly hall. Needless to say I haven’t been there for some 7 years. 😝
But I will say this, it’s a beautiful assembly hall! I always did enjoy going there. I remember when it was a really run down place before it was refurbished. The transformation was breathtaking.
It was also here that I received the push to leave the religion. Oh brother Algarve! (District overseer at the time - remember those? 😜) He gave an example of the dangers of the internet with all the apostate material there is. A missionary couple returned to England in order to care for an elderly relative. They were given an assignment - they were head of the entire foreign language field for Britain. They were a super duper spiritual couple. At some point though they went on the internet and researched Jehovah’s witnesses (no reason as to why they should do this) and only after a few days of reading and researching they handed in their notice of disassociation. Brother Algarve shrugged sombrely and uttered “such are the dangers of the internet”. Whilst most people in the audience nodded their heads in agreement with staying away from the internet to research Jehovah’s witnesses, for me I couldn’t help but think “what on Earth is on the internet that would cause such a spiritual couple, who have devoted and sarcificed years of their lives to the organisation to only go and throw it all away after just a few days?”
So I went and looked for myself. Dudley assembly hall brought me into the organzation (I was baptised there at 15 on a most joyous day) and it also gave me what I needed to leave.
Thank you Dudley assembly hall for being a part of my life.