In your original post you quoted Matthew 5:45, in which we read that Jesus said, "God makes it rain upon the righteous and the unrighteous."
I understand that you were questioning his logic. However, I think his logic in this instance was quite sound. He was using this example of God's goodness to teach us that we should be willing to do good things for our enemies, just as God does some good things for His enemies. Jesus did not say that God provides all of his enemies needs. Neither did he say that we should supply all of our enemies' needs.
I wrote: Granted, God is not at this time providing all the needs of all the people on earth. That is not proof that a loving God does not exist.
You responded: My original post was not about whether God exists or not, simply that the logic of what Christ is purported to say is in error and reveals the God of the Bible to be an unloving uncaring entity.
I said that the example you provided does not prove "that a LOVING God does not exist." You said that Christ's words reveal "the God of the Bible to be an unloving uncaring entity." In other words, you were, in fact, implying that Christ's words indicate that the God of the Bible is not a loving God and "that a LOVING God does not exist." That is why I argued that neither his words nor your commentary on them proved any such thing.
You wrote: The existence of evil in the Earth does not of itself prove there is no God, but it does prove that the Bible’s depiction of a loving God, a sort of “Big dad in the sky” is rubbish.
I don't think that the Bible depicts God to be a “Big dad in the sky” who always provides all the needs of all His children. It seems to me you have set up a "straw man" to knock over.