If ant baits will stop acid reflux then I will try that too! Probably a lot cheaper than Prilosec!!
i've been drinking 1 tbs with a glass of water twice daily for digestion for about 3 weeks now.
i've found it helps, but it also acts as an appetite suppressant; i've lost several pounds since using it.
i'm consuming fewer calories because i'm just not as hungry as before.
If ant baits will stop acid reflux then I will try that too! Probably a lot cheaper than Prilosec!!
i've been drinking 1 tbs with a glass of water twice daily for digestion for about 3 weeks now.
i've found it helps, but it also acts as an appetite suppressant; i've lost several pounds since using it.
i'm consuming fewer calories because i'm just not as hungry as before.
Thanks! I will definitely give the ant baits a try. It's about to turn cooler weather where I am and the ants will go away for the winter. I will be ready for 'em when spring comes back around!
i've been drinking 1 tbs with a glass of water twice daily for digestion for about 3 weeks now.
i've found it helps, but it also acts as an appetite suppressant; i've lost several pounds since using it.
i'm consuming fewer calories because i'm just not as hungry as before.
Every summer I am plagued with little black ants. I feed the cats on the front porch and if the cats leave any catfood in their bowls, the front porch is soon infested with the little black "piss" ants. Even if there is no food left over I am infested with the ants. So I have sprayed with several different brands of ant killer. The ants will disappear for a day, sometimes less, but are soon back.
My neighbor suggested that I spray with apple cider vinegar. I live in a small town so I get small town, home remedies for all types of problems that I encounter. So I did as she suggested and sprayed the front porch and the sidewalk with the apple cider vinegar. Well, I am here to tell you, THE ANTS LOVED IT!!! Didn't kill a one of 'em, they acted like they were at a water park!!
They come back every day begging for some more apple cider vinegar! I think they are now addicts!!
teachings that have remained the samewhen you highlight the continual ebb and flow of changing teachings, a jw may refer you to the long held teachings which have never changed.
core doctrines such as the importance of using gods name, and the trinity, hellfire and immortality of the soul all being false.
but even here things are not as simple as they could be:.
Not to be nit picky, but I don't think that CT Russell did give prominence to the name Jehovah. He obviously did acknowledge that God's name was Jehovah, but look at any Watchtower magazine that he printed and it clearly states Announcing CHRIST's Kingdom, or CHRIST's Presence.
I think Rutherford changed it to announcing Jehovahs Kingdom rather than Christ's.
i recently ordered a copy of coc for my wife.
she doesn't know it exists, but i'm hoping she's ready to read it.
it seems to be the best red pill out there.
I gave it to my elderly mother a few years back and encouraged her to read it. Like many devout JW's, she took it and started reading it with the attitude that she could pick anything this guy says apart and use it to prove the JW's ARE right!
She was reading it with a "pish-posh" attitude, I believe reading over it without actually thinking about what it says. Up until she got to a certain part. I truly believe it was the part about the double standards, Mexico vs Mozambique. She shut it down, then and there, would not read any further and wanted that book OUT OF HER HOUSE!!!
Her exact words, "I don't care, I am sticking with the organization!" It obviously struck a nerve. Like many JW's, she prefers to belong to an organization that will do her thinking for her rather than use her own mind.
It has been my experience that unless a JW already has some doubts, it does little good to try to get them to read CoC, or any other book that exposes the WT.
i've talked with some good friends on the board about this before and we seem to be in agreement : one reason ( among many ) that some disfellowshipped jw's go back and return to the wt organization is because they are full of uneeded guilt or uneeded fear because they haven't educated themselves about how the wt society uses mind control tactics to deceive them into thinking they have " nowhere else to go " .
i understand that some dfed ones may go back to the organization for family and friends- however- it's an exrecise in futility because once you learn the truth about the truth you cannot undo what you heard.
so some may just go back and live a fake jw life to appease family- but just think of how that can damage a person's emotional and mental health playing the fake jw game the rest of their lives !
I haven't read every post on this subject, so excuse me if someone else has already covered what I'm about to say.
After learning TTATT, I thought about returning as a "spy". I attended a couple of meetings, but it is amazing how your brain reacts to what is being said from the platform once you know THE REAL TRUTH.
The scripture came to mind about "the dog returning to his own vomit"! I realized that I'm just not cut out to be a JW Spy!
By the way, not only does the WT use mind control tactics, if you study up on "magic tricks", illusions, psychics, cold reading, mind reading, et al, the WT employs a lot of that to control their members, probably without even being aware of it!
contact me through my website at:
thank you,.
Why no one over 40?
after reading from another thread, i felt it was worth asking this question.. if you left the borg on your own, have you attempted to meet others whom you used to be connected with while you were "in", but who have also become ex-jw's before or after you have left the wts?
if that's the case, has it remained a friendship, or the connection grew cold?
just curious as to what keeps friendships "stick" [or not] once you no longer have the borg's doctrinal glue.. your experiences are welcome.. eden.
My personal experiences with trying to reconnect have not been good. On one hand there are those that, while no longer attending, some even being DF'd, they still feel that it really is the truth, they just can't live up. And, on the other hand, there are those that really go on to extremes, one that I know of becoming a white supremacist. Some of those people never really liked me all that much anyway, and I get the feeling that they feel that if I believe that JW's are not true, then maybe JW's really are true!!!
Something that I found interesting is how many who leave the org suddenly take up smoking, even if they never smoked a day in their life before becoming a JW!!
should christians drink tea?.
would you like a cup of tea?.
this seemingly innocent question has been asked countless times, and is regarded as a gesture of courtesy and hospitability in many parts of the world, in both eastern and western culture.
Kinda reminds me of the Society's stance regarding cats.
1968. i was 14 years old at the time.
my family attended the assembly in ventura, california that year.
lots of "good" information revealed to the sheep, right?
Yeah! I think I remember seeing you there!:)
I just turned 60 last month, I "faded" about 30 years ago, though I still talk to JW's occasionally (mainly because of family connections). I have bumped into JW's a few times that tell me that they were at that Convention. Only thing I miss about it was the ocean!