I know that this may be getting off of the subject somewhat, but, hey, it's all speculation and imagination, right?
I am sure that most JW's including myself, were taught that in the New World when we will be "perfect", we will have a perfect sense of balance, therefore we would never fall down and break our arm, right?
If you think about it, even from a JW perspective, being perfect does not mean that mistakes, such as falling down, will not happen. After all, the body has the ability to heal itself. Scratch your finger and it will heal itself.
And who created the human body with that ability to heal itself? (Again, from a JW point of view) Jehovah, right?
And, when did Jehovah create the human body with this ability? Before sin came into play.
Now, why would Jehovah create perfect man and woman with the ability to heal themselves if they weren't designed to break in the first place?
Just another of those many unanswerable questions for JW's.