Why no one over 40?
JoinedPosts by apostrate
Please contact me if you're in the US and between 18 and 40 and want to be on TV telling your story.
by AndersonsInfo incontact me through my website at: http://watchtowerdocuments.org/contact-barbara/.
thank you,.
Have you reconnected with ex-JW's after you have left the Borg?
by EdenOne inafter reading from another thread, i felt it was worth asking this question.. if you left the borg on your own, have you attempted to meet others whom you used to be connected with while you were "in", but who have also become ex-jw's before or after you have left the wts?
if that's the case, has it remained a friendship, or the connection grew cold?
just curious as to what keeps friendships "stick" [or not] once you no longer have the borg's doctrinal glue.. your experiences are welcome.. eden.
My personal experiences with trying to reconnect have not been good. On one hand there are those that, while no longer attending, some even being DF'd, they still feel that it really is the truth, they just can't live up. And, on the other hand, there are those that really go on to extremes, one that I know of becoming a white supremacist. Some of those people never really liked me all that much anyway, and I get the feeling that they feel that if I believe that JW's are not true, then maybe JW's really are true!!!
Something that I found interesting is how many who leave the org suddenly take up smoking, even if they never smoked a day in their life before becoming a JW!!
New Article in JW.ORG "Should Christians Drink Tea?"
by EdenOne inshould christians drink tea?.
would you like a cup of tea?.
this seemingly innocent question has been asked countless times, and is regarded as a gesture of courtesy and hospitability in many parts of the world, in both eastern and western culture.
Kinda reminds me of the Society's stance regarding cats.
True stories from The Hall
by apostrate in1968. i was 14 years old at the time.
my family attended the assembly in ventura, california that year.
lots of "good" information revealed to the sheep, right?
Yeah! I think I remember seeing you there!
I just turned 60 last month, I "faded" about 30 years ago, though I still talk to JW's occasionally (mainly because of family connections). I have bumped into JW's a few times that tell me that they were at that Convention. Only thing I miss about it was the ocean!
True stories from The Hall
by apostrate in1968. i was 14 years old at the time.
my family attended the assembly in ventura, california that year.
lots of "good" information revealed to the sheep, right?
1968. I was 14 years old at the time. My family attended the Assembly in Ventura, California that year. Lots of "good" information revealed to the sheep, right? You know, the "TRUTH" book released, Bible Studies limited to 6 months, etc., etc.
They also had a very good talk about how meetings at the Hall should be kept ON TIME for various reasons, including the fact that sometimes sisters had unbelieving mates that were waiting outside for them and it didn't look good when an unbelieving husband had to wait a long time after the meeting was over. This was actually very true in my case as my dad was not in the "truth", and this happened quite frequently.
A week or so after the Assembly, we were at the Hall for the "Book Study" and we were in the library. Another congregation was in the main part of the Hall. And, of course, guess what? We were running overtime! But before we closed with prayer, the elder conducting just had to get a few comments from the small crowd about important things we learned at the Assembly.
Someone mentioned the new "TRUTH" book, someone commented about the 6 month study program. And then the elders very own son raised his hand. (He was a teenager, about my age). "Yes Mike, go ahead."
"I really enjoyed the part about how meetings should not go overtime!"
Man, I'm telling you all HELL broke out! "You just go on out to the car! You're going to get IT as soon as soon as we get home, young man!"
Even his mom joined in, "We've had about enough of your smart alec mouth! Just wait till we get home!!!"
A lot of comments like that with everyone just sitting there shaking their heads.
And here's the funny part. Because he WAS relaying information that WAS actually brought out at the Assembly, this little commotion caught me by surprise! I had been sitting there nodding my head in agreement not realizing he was being a smart alec (I stll don't know to this day if he really was).
I guess elders just can't take a joke!!
Praise For Witnesses On Welfare Who Full Time Pioneer!
by minimus inthe watchtower has always praised witnesses who are on welfare and decided to pioneer.
many in my congregation, including my mom, were given kudos, praise and assembly parts because they took advantage of jehovah's provision through the government....did you notice this, or was it obvious to me because i was raised in the inner city and many people recieved government help?.
When my father died, my mother had been a JW for a little over ten years. My father was not a JW, he had been in the Air Force many years previous. My mother applied for a pension from the government due to my fathers military service. Then she found that she could actually receive more money because her previous husband had also been in the Air Force. (To clarify, her first husband was worth more money for some reason, she only collects one pension).
She was near retirement age herself at this time. So, my mother, a devote JW, collects money each month from the miltary (aka, Satans Government). And let me tell you, Satans Government has been pretty generous to her. And in turn, Satans Government has been pretty good to the Kingdom Hall also.
When her house, which was paid for, was in need of repairs, another Government Agency (also controlled by Satan) stepped in and built her a new house, AT NO CHARGE TO HER WHATSOEVER! Again, I think Satans Government has been very kind to my mother!
By contrast, how generous has Jehovahs Kingdom been to my mother? Fact is, they have NEVER given my mother a single dime! But they have gladly accepted any and all monies that she has taken from Satan and then funneled to the WT organization.
In summary, the same government that my mother publicly condemns, has been financially very, very good to her, nevertheless!
Commenting At The Meetings---Did You Enjoy It?
by minimus inwas that important for you?
most people, i believe, forced themselves to give an answer.
i knew many elders and servants over the years being counseled because they rarely answered.. funny thing....my mom who is 88 cries if she doesn't give a comment.
Commenting At The Meetings---Did You Enjoy It?
by minimus inwas that important for you?
most people, i believe, forced themselves to give an answer.
i knew many elders and servants over the years being counseled because they rarely answered.. funny thing....my mom who is 88 cries if she doesn't give a comment.
Years ago I knew a "brother" who was relatively young, maybe in his 30's. He had some severe health problems, though. And when he answered at the WT study, you'd think he was going to give a fifteen minute talk! He seemed to have no sense of time. He was the type, as they say, ask him for the time and he will tell you how to build a watch!
And he put his hand up to answer quite often. In fact, it was quite amusing to watch as the WT conductor would deliberately try to avoid calling on him! He would usually get called on only if no one else was raising their hand! It never failed to amuse me watching the conductor try to break in and cut him off!
Did You Ever Get Screwed By A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus inwitnesses are supposed to be the "most honest people in the world".
most jws i know of do not put business deals in writing.
they simply "trust their brother".
I can't remember offhand actually being cheated by a JW. But, the memories that impact my mind the most are those when I was a teenager. I went to work for a couple of "brothers", elders in fact. They were bricklayers in the Dallas/Ft Worth area. They were absolutely the most obnoxious, filthy-mouthed, egotistical men that I have ever had the displeasure of knowing, JW or non-JW. Why did I continue working for them? Because I was a stupid, young, naive kid who didn't know any better, and didn't know "where else to turn".
Actually, every once in a while they would hire another "brother" from some congregation who would come out on the job and be so disgusted by their behavior that they would go tell the other elders on them. Then the "brothers" I worked for would kinda tone it down for a few weeks, but their bad boy behavior would always return.
Nowdays I'm a smart, old, wise, old man who figured out much too late that these two elders, being the successful entrepreneurs that they were, were just too important for the comgregations to take too much action against them. They contributed too much money to the Org so they got away with things the average JW would not have.
If the organization is all about money.....
by Pete Zahut inthen why would they be so insistent about dfing people ?
if it's money the watchtower org is after, it seems like they'd want to hold on to all the members they can.. how would you answer this logic?.
I once worked with a person who was from a 3rd world country. He told me that the people of his country lived in abject poverty while the rulers of his country lived like kings and were very wealthy. The rulers did not allow the people to become educated. Why? Educated people are hard, if not impossible to lead. I could have swore that he was talking about the Watchtower!