I loved this guy, he was cool and now I found out his website domain is up for sale. What happened to Greg, is he still alive and doing well? Did he return to the Organization, any information would be appreciated!
JoinedPosts by BucketShopBill
What Happened to Elihu Books? Greg Stafford's Website is Gone!
by BucketShopBill ini loved this guy, he was cool and now i found out his website domain is up for sale.
what happened to greg, is he still alive and doing well?
did he return to the organization, any information would be appreciated!.
Reading the Bible Alone "Will Lead you to Apostate Thinkings!" Stay a Watchtowerite!
by BucketShopBill in"from time to time, there have arisen from among the ranks of jehovah's people those, who, like the original satan, have adopted an independent, faultfinding attitude...they say that it is sufficient to read the bible exclusively, either alone or in small groups at home.
but, strangely, through such 'bible reading,' they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by christendom's clergy were teaching 100 years ago.
the watchtower, aug. 15, 1981.. .
There was a JW Elder saying he was happy all the people in Iraq were dying by the Sword "because that's the only way any of them would live through the Big A!" So to change things up I asked him how come God used people outside the Organization, prophets like Balaam (Non Isrealite) working on the payroll while women like Rehab survived the fall of Jerico because she saw something that made her change her life and God made sure he saved a woman who was not involved in the Organization looking at it through the GB's lenses!
It sadden's me how many JWs have shut off their thinking faculties and think they are the only ones God is going to Save. They don't use the Bible and are now getting the next Watchtower 3.00 Update which requires you to turn off all thinking abilities!
If you read the Bible closely it's a story how the chosen Organization continually disappointed God while pagans and non-Isrealites are saved because they show faith! Elijah cured Naman, kept the non-Isrealite woman full during the Famine so that her flour and oil jars would never run out! It seems once you get involved with any Organization faith goes out the window along with your predisposition to study as much as your physically able about God.
1 Kings 16-17
"7 After awhile, the stream dried up because there had been no rain in the land. 8 The LORD told him, 9 “Get up, go to Zarephath in Sidonian territory, and live there. I have already told a widow who lives there to provide for you.” 10 So he got up and went to Zarephath. When he went through the city gate, there was a widow gathering wood. He called out to her, “Please give me a cup of water, so I can take a drink.” 11 As she went to get it, he called out to her, “Please bring me a piece of bread.” 12 She said, “As certainly as the LORD your God lives, I have no food, except for a handful of flour in a jar and a little oil in a jug. Right now I am gathering a couple sticks for a fire. Then I’m going home to make one final meal for my son and myself. After we have eaten that, we will die of starvation.” 13 Elijah said to her, “Don’t be afraid. Go and do as you planned. But first make a small cake for me and bring it to me; then make something for yourself and your son. 14 For this is what the LORD God of Israel says, ‘The jar of flour will not be empty and the jug of oil will not run out until the day the LORD makes it rain on the surface of the ground.’” 15 She went and did as Elijah told her; there was always enough food for Elijah and for her and her family. 16 The jar of flour was never empty and the jug of oil never ran out, just as the LORD had promised through Elijah.
Jehovah's Witnesses Rank-and-File Are the Elite Witnesses Pension Plan!
by BucketShopBill init's all about money these days in all the kingdom halls and changing title from the congregation over to the watchtower organization so the governing body and all their trusty aids can have a nice retirement.
who is going to provide for all the jws heading towards retirement age over the next five to ten years, men and women in bad health who must work because the watchtower through their salesmen (cos, dos) promised we all would be in god's paradise and "worrying about material things shows a lack of faith".. .
the governing body is showing they are worried about money because all they are talking about is "sign the secret envelope and obey the promise you made to donate each month!
Hi my Dear Sister Blondie, in the last Kingdom Hall I was in we had three expenditures that were told they had to pledge $48 a month for the Circuit Overseers two houses. The second pledge was $30 for a Kingdom Hall upgrade even though the building was in good shape and up to code. This ruffled many feathers because people were hurting financially. $30 and $48 combined is a pretty big sum to people out of work, and few returned the paper slips with their committments on them. This lead to a scolding talk with the brother stating that (paraphrasing here) if you put Jehovah's name on any endeavor it is destined to succeed, so not supporting such endeavors was going against Jehovah.
Again, few turned in the slips. A great deal of resentment resulted, because the elders knew who had committed and who didn't (they weren't anonymous). So suddenly those formerly good families were left out of parts, quietly ignored, and outright ousted from the 'favorable' group in the hall.
What's weird is that everyone knew the details, elders wives and all, and the cooling that went on still hasn't abated.
Not on JW.org: More bad press for Jehovah's Witnesses and a pedophile arrest in Florida.
by Balaamsass2 injehovah witness meeting lands man in jail on molestion chargesstorycomments (1)image (1)printcreate a hardcopy of this pagefont size:default font sizelarger font size3 .
posted: thursday, september 4, 2014 6:00 am.
In three different Kingdom Halls I saw the Witnesses rally to the cause of the Pedophile Perp, it's truly a Paradise for Pedophiles because you can get "Marked" for telling the rest of the Kingdom Hall "Hey, we got a Pedophile in our Congregation so you better keep your children safe because the Elders are doing a horrible job of keeping the Pedophiles from touching young children!"
The Watchtower has no conscience, they tell Pedophiles they must go and preach from door-to-door putting their neighbors at risk, I would rather risk the Wrath of God (actually the Mercy of Jesus Christ) than have Pedophiles come near my children! The Leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Elders and Watchtower Top Brass are Wicked Men who put their own needs above the good of the Whole Community! Do you think they care if one of their Pedophile Pioneers rape's a young child, they will be in the Court room telling the Judge, "The Eight Year Old Girl must have seduced our dear brother, don't punish him Judge!"
Copy of my DA Letter
by airborne inthis is my first time posting here, although i have been a visitor to it for around a year.
after doing a simple google search under "jehovah'switnesses" over a year ago, i found ttat.
i was deeply unhappy with the congregation and decided to educate myself, and boy what an education i have gotten so far.
What a beautiful letter, are you going to attend more than one outside church (you mentioned one, I was wondering if you will check out others too, to see what's cooking?) or stick to reading the Bible and "get Apostate thinking" because the Governing Body has stated repeatedly "The Bible is not enough!" Charles Taze Russell said "It's better to have the Study in the Scriptures Books than the Bible, the Bible will lead you to darkness soon after reading it. Studies will keep you spiritual above the Bible according to our extensive evidence."
You called them what they are, "False Prophets" who put themselves on the seat of Moses, the Governing Body are like the two sons of Aaron who offered illegitimate fire to Jehovah and were consummed because they were drunk with power! Nice letter, how can anyone disagree with your kind but blunt statement of the facts? Good Job!
Reading the Bible Alone "Will Lead you to Apostate Thinkings!" Stay a Watchtowerite!
by BucketShopBill in"from time to time, there have arisen from among the ranks of jehovah's people those, who, like the original satan, have adopted an independent, faultfinding attitude...they say that it is sufficient to read the bible exclusively, either alone or in small groups at home.
but, strangely, through such 'bible reading,' they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by christendom's clergy were teaching 100 years ago.
the watchtower, aug. 15, 1981.. .
"From time to time, there have arisen from among the ranks of Jehovah's people those, who, like the original Satan, have adopted an independent, faultfinding attitude...They say that it is sufficient to read the Bible exclusively, either alone or in small groups at home. But, strangely, through such 'Bible reading,' they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by Christendom's clergy were teaching 100 years ago
The Watchtower, Aug. 15, 1981.
Reading the Bible on your own will lead you away from the heavily filtered teaching the Watchtower teaches! All the talk about how the Catholic Church prevented it's people from reading the Bible because it would be misread is exactly what the Watchtower is teaching, did you get the sense of what they said? We are too stupid to read the Bible without the cattle-prod being poked in our ears so we can be taught to obey all the "peculiar teaching and truths created by Jehovah's Witnesses". I read the article at CARM.ORG on JWs and it's weird how the Born-Againers I once despised because I was ignorant are not afraid of allowing their own people to read the Bible and then they share what everyone learns and try to come to a consensus. All the Fundie Websites I've come across are not as dogmatic and nobody has claimed to have "Absolute Truth" like the Watchtower and does the Watchtower ever admit to being wrong and laced with a long history of False Prophecy, No! They blame it on their members because they are cowards!
Are Jehovah's Witnesses THAT Bad?
by minimus ini'm not fond of any religious fanatic.
islamic fundies can be downright crazy.
mormonism seems silly to me.
Are Mormons worse than Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons are doing their best to be successful and are often at the higher end of the education spectrum. Mormons believe in helping the poor, doing good deeds for everyone and not just their own faith. What do Jehovah's Witnesses (Watchtowerites) do for our World other than use the Disability and Social Security Welfare benefits they did not put much money in?
Seventh Day Adventist are in to higher education, Jehovah's Witnesses are miserable people, they are back-bitters, disloyal towards anyone even if you loaned them money when they filed Bankruptcy, they will stab you in the back given the chance. The Malawai Scandal shows the racism was inside the Watchtower HQs, how many Black brothers were in Bethel from the 1910s-1960s? You think JWs are not the worst religion, no they are not ISIS or ISIL yet but if they had the chance they would be more than happy to cut your heads off if the Governments said they could kill Apostates or Ex-JWs who have seen through the big Hoax. JWs would kill Ex-JWs if they were allowed to, they are not peaceful and provide nothing of value to this World other than keep highly depressed and drunks occupied by preaching the Message to them everyday to get time in!
Not on JW.org: More bad press for Jehovah's Witnesses and a pedophile arrest in Florida.
by Balaamsass2 injehovah witness meeting lands man in jail on molestion chargesstorycomments (1)image (1)printcreate a hardcopy of this pagefont size:default font sizelarger font size3 .
posted: thursday, september 4, 2014 6:00 am.
Was it CNN who called Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Hall a Pedophile Paradise?
Jehovah's Witnesses Rank-and-File Are the Elite Witnesses Pension Plan!
by BucketShopBill init's all about money these days in all the kingdom halls and changing title from the congregation over to the watchtower organization so the governing body and all their trusty aids can have a nice retirement.
who is going to provide for all the jws heading towards retirement age over the next five to ten years, men and women in bad health who must work because the watchtower through their salesmen (cos, dos) promised we all would be in god's paradise and "worrying about material things shows a lack of faith".. .
the governing body is showing they are worried about money because all they are talking about is "sign the secret envelope and obey the promise you made to donate each month!
It's all about money these days in all the Kingdom Halls and changing Title from the Congregation over to the Watchtower Organization so the Governing Body and all their trusty aids can have a nice retirement. Who is going to provide for all the JWs heading towards retirement age over the next five to ten years, men and women in bad health who must work because the Watchtower through their salesmen (COs, DOs) promised we all would be in God's Paradise and "worrying about material things shows a lack of faith".
The Governing Body is showing they are worried about money because all they are talking about is "sign the secret envelope and obey the promise you made to donate each month!" What happened to the Bible Students and Watchtower that said "We do not ask for donations nor have we ever passed a plate around?" They pass the plate or hat each month through special parts mentioning the short-falls of each congregation not hitting the promised target they promised they could donate. What about all the JWs who have no money, people who are eating Top Ramen because they can't afford the good things of the World? The GB are traveling and talking about Materialism while the rank-and-file are dead broke except for a few JWs that were smart did not obey the Mad Hatters of New York. What should the JWs with no money do, ask the Government to pick up the tab the Watchtower should or is liable for? I think they should tax the Watchtower for putting people in a situation where they have no money, the GB are greedy bad people!
ISIS Kills American Soldier, Will Watchtower Speak Out Finally?
by BucketShopBill inhttp://www.tristatehomepage.com/story/d/story/isis-terror-group-kills-2nd-american-journalist/12500/0kjo7mxf0kalqvmlyykl-g.
Yes Balaam, Witnesses are feeling the pressure to give money they don't have to give. The Elders are guilting the brothers in our area almost weekly because they are not giving enough. The Watchtower Branch Davidians in New York probably are building their Bomb Shelter and deep underground Bunker, still they will never have the courage of the Pope who has called for a Holy War to destroy ISIS. JWs are too worried about pretending their Neutral, the United Nations Scandal has discredited this false claim.
What do you think of all the JWs who think it's a priveldge to work at Beth-Hell and donating months of time (People making $10 a hour) going in to debt on their Credit so the Watchtower Leaders can live in luxury! They are cowards!