No new relationship is going to be magical, I had heard incomplete research dealing with domestic abuse with same sex couples, unfortunatly there is a higher rate of violence with same sex couples according to new research. I would hate for you to make a hasty decesion because some stupid drunkard has made your life a living hell. You are so young, thirteen years is along time for some but there are many of us who had to make the choice twenty-plus years in our marriage to bail-out, I think you have some interesting people to talk to on JWN.
Is he violent, unaffectionate, I realize the last thing most women desire is to start another relationship after battling a substane abuse partner, some reason there is a unnaturally high ratio of drug addicition (Pill Poppers), (Alcoholics), (Angry Abusive Mates) among the Jehovah's Witness religion, where does all this inability to cope with the World come from "Delayed-Post Ponned Expectation make's the heart bitter" and many JWs are coming unglued because the End has not come.
You receive monies from the State for those children with disabilities, can you get Government housing also? I think with all the great charity work you are doing the Government should have programs to help make your life a little less diffucult! I am so sorry you are battling martial abuse, I saw how this was brushed under the carpet in the Kingdom Halls and Elders overlooked Witness Women getting beaten up badly, I don't thing being a JW help's people's relationships because it adds so many unnecessary strains. There are a couple of specialist on this board who don't post much but are experts in this area, maybe they might find it in their hearts to help out? I wish you the best sister!