Thanks for the responses, guys.
MadGiant: When I was coming into the church, I did do extensive reading in early church history, incl. Eusebius, as well as the writings of the early church fathers, incl. the Apostolic Consitutions, and worldly historians. You are right that there were many sects that sprang up in the first century, with interpretations that were all over the place, mixed up with a lot of already existing pagan thought or batshit crazy stuff that Russell and Rutherford would be proud of. Marcion, for one, had a great insight about the vengeful, tribal God of the Hebrews being a very different character from the loving, universal God that Jesus taught; but Marcion had his weird ideas too that make no sense today. I also read what worldy and Christian scholars in recent times have had to say about the first century church; but since they have (I assume) never been JW's, nobody examines the question of whether they were a JW-style high control cult, or at least I've not come across any.
kneehighmiah: Your theory is intriguing and seems plausible on the surface, I wonder if anyone has written on this specific issue.
cofty: More explanation needed. Dangerous - how? why?
Quendi: Appreciate your kind thoughts. I'm well aware of MCC but never lived where there was a functioning, flourishing congregation. I also was at one point in the mid-1990s directly involved with trying to set up a local LGBT support fellowship for the church I belonged to in a fair-sized city - but then my circumstances changed radically, I had to start working nights, and lost touch with them. Also at another time the local gay-friendly United Church of Christ tried to sponsor an LGBT spirituality group - no leader was provided, just the offer of a room and a time to meet - but only five of us showed up, 2 guys and 3 gals - silly me, I wanted to talk about prayer and scripture but the other four wanted to talk about partying, so I was made to feel a complete nerd and the group only met a handful of times before disintegrating. Occasionally too I've had gay or lesbian friends who were spiritually active in one "new age" group or another, but their path was just not the path for me. So to sum up, my circumstances have never been very good in the way of religious fellowship, and I'm past wanting all that now, but I hope your path is an easier one than mine was.