Doesn't the WTS say when they're backed into a corner, that "Bible Chronology" as they interpret it, trumps the secular historical records? ie. shut up and obey..we know better than you do?? Don't do your own research? I would say that that's IRONIC, seeing how wrong they have been with their previous false prophetic utterances. Oh yes..thats a sign that they have Gods spirit upon them...where else can they go???
I've never seen or read the WTS use the terms "alluding" or "ironic" or "poetic" in describing the Bible or the so-called historical Biblical record, when secular historical documentation in whatever form, disproves their theories or so-called prophetic utterances regarding the 7 times or 70 years or 1914. Those are your poor lame excuses for the WTS failed teachings. Its silly gobblygook.
ie. your opinion