We should be worried for sure because of the Obama Aministration foreign policy and weakness.
We have gotten to this point because of the laissez faire attitude of the Obama Administration with this region. It has been Obamas policy to diminish US strength and influence in the region and give it up to Russia, and Iran with the vacuum that Obama created with the lack of any US leadership.
Obama has been projecting US weakness with their enemies and their allies in the region. The Obama administration foreign policy has created the massive Syrian refugee crisis by not having followed through with the line Obama drew. Where was the huge Obama concern for the Syrians who were victims of Assad and ISIS when Obama backed off the line in the sand and allowed ISIS to gain territory and Assad barrel bomb his own people?
From the beginning, one can argue that the US Obama Kerry Clinton foreign policy created ISIS, DAESH etc whatever you may want to call it.
Obama, drew a line in the sand with Assad and didn't follow through on the chemical weapons usage on the Syrian people. It is Obama who called ISIS as the JV team, completely underestimating the terror group. It was Obama who decided to not leave a residual US force in Iraq and not get a status of forces agreement there for political reasons. It was Obama who says that climate change is the greatest threat to world peace. It was Obama who called US policy in Libya and Somalia and Yemen a huge success. It was Obama who said on the same day of the Paris attacks, that ISIS was contained in Syria and Iraq. It was Obama who called the Paris attacks only a "set back". It was John Kerry who said that the Charlie Hebdo attacks had a rationale behind it, and then had to back off his remarks.
It was Hillary Clinton and Obama who crafted US foreign policy in the middle east, and who continue to downplay the seriousness of the current situation.