with all the right tools and I found that yes, there is no hell, no soul, the earth will abide forever, all creation reconciled to perfection, a small group going to heaven and a much larger group on earth, it is indeed fact that the bible doesn't support the trinity doctrine
Moses , you are on the right track, but prepared to challenge even these deeply held beliefs I qouted above from your post. Please find yourself a copy of Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz, who sat on the governing body, download it in PDF format for free or buy it in paperback , but read it, to free your mind from the False Prophet of the Watchtower and seven men who tell you they are the sole channel of communication with God and in doing so they make themselves the Man of Lawlessness standing in the Holy Place since only Jesus Christ is the mediator between you and Jehovah, no men needed. No organization mentioned in the Bible and no "classes" mentioned either.