thats funny. years ago a 'sister' was talking briefly to me and she made the statement
'this is going to be the last president'
she was pretty sure.
well, we wlll soon find out right?
she's not even american and doesn't live in the usa so it's not even her area of political awareness really.
she seems convinced that obama is the prophesied wolf in sheep's clothing mentioned in revelation.. it's unusual for non-us dubs to hold the weirder beliefs, so this is a new one for me.
she also said that the end is very close now and that things are a foot with north korea; it's clearly the king of the north.. she said exactly the same thing 5 years ago about china, and exactly the same thing 10 years ago about iraq.. derp derp..
thats funny. years ago a 'sister' was talking briefly to me and she made the statement
'this is going to be the last president'
she was pretty sure.
well, we wlll soon find out right?
so, now that nearly all of the past knowledge that jw's has had is slowly being deleted, how does anyone do any research on any subject?.
meetings are pretty boring as it is, all they do is parrot the society's writings.. how is this going to work?
i have to wonder , what point is the service meeting , once you know how to walk up to a door and hand someone a magazine.
so, now that nearly all of the past knowledge that Jw's has had is slowly being deleted, how does anyone do any research on any subject?
meetings are pretty boring as it is, all they do is parrot the society's writings.
how is this going to work?
I have to wonder , what point is the service meeting , once you know how to walk up to a door and hand someone a magazine. why go anymore?
i was totally p***d off about watchtower teaching u should keep your life simple and not investing in treasures in the earth etc while they are buying luxury apartments and forcing its residents out on the street including children.
so i got on with an email and sent it as follows.
if any from uk want to launch a complaint go to
as i grew up as a jw it seemed that we accepted genesis was a literal account with the only question being how long a creative day was.
for the longest time, as best as i can recall, a creative day was considered a thousand years long, based on the ole "a thousand years is as a day to jehovah" rule.. somewhere though, it seems that there was some waffling on how long a creative day was.
especially since science was showing that the earth was millions of years old.. since i've faded i wonder, do jws today consider genesis as a literal account of how things were created, even if they can't explain the exact length of a creative day?.
nearly born in [age 4] , and never personally accepted genisis. its the most stupid pointless story, and reasoning especially about adam and eve , that ive ever read.
as for creation, i never put faith in that story, but its a fun read, i always knew ancient peoples knew little about the world around them, so I figured it doesn't matter to me what they wrote, Im living here now, and that's what matters.
good morning all (good evening to those on the wrong side of the world);.
could someone explain the new arrangement with the "anointed"?
is anyone other than the gb in this class anymore?
im in stitches prologos! raptured? lol, [i want that article!]
see, even we cant make sense out if it to explain that it makes no sense.
who still goes to meetings and listens to the comments, does anyone comment from their own logic or is it just rephrasing whats written in the paragraph, 4 times.
since OBVIOUSLY they cannot research it, find scriptures to support it, or, or has an opinion on it.
look at the expressions of peoples faces. whos asleep?
is there any conversation on how wonderful it is NOW that they FINALLY understand it all?
i was totally p***d off about watchtower teaching u should keep your life simple and not investing in treasures in the earth etc while they are buying luxury apartments and forcing its residents out on the street including children.
so i got on with an email and sent it as follows.
if any from uk want to launch a complaint go to
if jws knocked on your door what would you say?.
i know jws don't really do "ministry" anymore (just leave special campaign tracts at the door and run away as fast as they can so they don't have to talk to anyone) but if they ever actually tried to have a conversation with me i wonder what i would say.
most likely i'd ask about matthew 4:8 where it says the devil took jesus to the top of an unusually high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world.
Id ask how it is that they can take litteral the number 144000 but not litteral the fact tehy were virgin men fro mthe 12 tribes of judah.
'If one argues that the 144,000 represents a literal number, he should similarly contend that the group of which that number consists is also literal, i.e., literal Israelites.
That would mean, according to the Watchtower scheme of interpretation, that no one would be in heaven who was not of the actual tribes listed.
This would also exclude Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob — who were never of the tribes of Israel. And yet, that conflicts with Jesus’ affirmation that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will be in the kingdom of heaven (Mt. 8:11).
and where in the bible does it say there will be people who live through armageddon?
where does it say paradise earth? where does it say women go to heaven? or that women are annointed? where does it say on the bible only one chosen kind of people are saved By jesus sacrifice? doesnt it say he dies for all men? whose idea is it to take a parable and turn it into a prophesy?
and who do you think wrote that there gray bible of yours?
i would like your thoughts, please..
only if there was someone else Id hurt If I did not. otherwise no, because a dead person doesnt know anyway.
I hate funerals they are morbid and pointless. my mom wont miss a funeral no matter what, she views it as a social event, though shed deny that.
she says 'oh you got to be there for the people who are alive to show them you care'
ah, but you dont care about them until they loose someone? then you care about them for a day?
its like a wedding, one day fo acting.
you invite lots of people so your 'gift list' is filled, then you dont see half of those people ever again. weird traditions.
thank you for coming to my house so often because you were so concerned about me missing so many meetings.. ( actually, the only time you visited was when the circuit and district overseers were in town.
you really showed them how concerned you were about your sheep.
i now know that it is more of a duty than a concern.).
lol, well not to bash all the x elders, they knew they were expected to go against thier conscience, thats why they left!
its sad that a man cannot be who he really is because some organization tells him how to treat other people and leaves him no time to do the good he can do.when you thik about it, that arrangement can never work, there is only enough time in the week to work for a paycheck, and care for the familys needs
let alone involve others in our lives. some of us are lucky if we have enough time to see our own extended family members.
i try to be glad for the one person who does get the attention of someone else other than thier own mate or adult child.
i got here a 1998 awake bound volume and im leafing through it and found the december issue with the cover jesus what did he really look like who is he.. in the photo, there is a scetching of jesus along side a color artists picture .
the hand looks odd.
who would draw a hand like that?.