Good observation.
Ive had a difficult time getting my mom to realize that when a person is so quick to defend these imperfect, ever changing 'faithful slavers' and the organization, in that , it is the first thing that pops into their head if you say anything against the orgs ideas.
God is now in the second place slot, and Jesus the third, and this in fact is idol worship.
its difficult to even defend the bible when you use the nwt and not another version such as niv or kjv.
since it so clearly has removed Jesus authority, deity, and has added a works based belief system, by adding 'exercise' before the word faith. I cant get over how much they have changed, after all I never read any other bibles before.
they totally demolished Romans [esp ch 14] . they took Jesus right out of the picture.
well, lol, I mean the whole bible.
all Jws can do spring cleaning and toss out all their literature. makes for good fireplace kindle. after all its all been changed, you cant use anything pre 2009 [maybe pre 2014] for research, so why have it? get some room in them there closets.