sam harris is right, religion needs to go away ,
ahh the day...
in 2018, cyprus goes bankrupt (again).
many of its inhabitants, lacking jobs and prospectives of a better future, emigrate to more prosperous countries.
cyprus' society is on the brink of collapse.
sam harris is right, religion needs to go away ,
ahh the day...
in 2018, cyprus goes bankrupt (again).
many of its inhabitants, lacking jobs and prospectives of a better future, emigrate to more prosperous countries.
cyprus' society is on the brink of collapse.
it would be similar to a radical religious Islam, or any religion that teaches it s children from birth a doctrine of 'us and them' mentality, after a while its be pretty boring to be a member and very disturbing to the rest of the world, i can see if jws were all in one area, that over the years they would become hateful, after all has anyone seen the november 2014 wt study edition? talk about radical, DF is a loving arrangement?????!!!! total conformity to the leaders or out you go, hmm just like ancient israel. sickening thought, a bunch of ignorant followers of a self denial environment, and slaves of men.
exactly what were told is wrong! well lol, were sort of slaves on men now, if we dont work we dont have a home to live in.
my mom brought me a bag of literiture that her khall was going to throw away.
apparently they are not 'placeable' anymore, hmmm.. she cant stand to see those books tossed out like 'garbage' so here i go, .
in ths bad was 5 brand new in the plastic wt 2013 library cds.
what is the mail screening process at headquarters like?
wouldn't it be great if the watchtower received a few hundred packets of sticky, messy glitter that clings to everything over the course of a week?.
this website is amusing to say the least..
sorry, i messed up before i could put the right title on this new light from our circuit overseer, his visit show's a great desperation in the organization's mindset, adding more anxiety and guilt to jws who already feel they don't measure up!.
hi, i attended the circuit overseers visit and got really angry because our c.o.
gave information coming from the governing body's chief apologists regarding "meeting attendance" and "the couple who missed one meeting and lost their entire family because they did not get the "411" when armageddon was coming!
i wonder when they will vote that c.o. off Gilligan's island
i could not have sat there without blushing and grinning and holding in laughter. just so sad and pathetic.
Id be embarrassed for that person.
to take the entire bible and misrepresent it as a means to control and fear monger is nothing short of ....
well fill in the blank...
my mom brought me a bag of literiture that her khall was going to throw away.
apparently they are not 'placeable' anymore, hmmm.. she cant stand to see those books tossed out like 'garbage' so here i go, .
in ths bad was 5 brand new in the plastic wt 2013 library cds.
my mom brought me a bag of literiture that her khall was going to throw away. apparently they are not 'placeable' anymore, hmmm.
she cant stand to see those books tossed out like 'garbage' so here i go,
in ths bad was 5 brand new in the plastic wt 2013 library cds.
2 of the the1995 knowledge book, hardcopy, and paperback
a clothe yourselves in gods love 2008 edition paperback
1986 worldwide security under the prince of peace book
[this is the one where it says that jesus is only the mediator for the 144000.not everyone]
secret to family happyness1996 worship the only true god 2002 paperback
the orange hard copy of the bible gods word or mans1989 and a paperback copy same year. probably full of misquotes from scientists and archeologists.
2, you can live forever in a paradise on earth book
Gods word through jeremiah 2010 and
a live with jehovahs day im mind 2006
a 1984 survival into a new earth green hardback book has a 1914 chronology type chart in it
a united in worship book
two 1990 all scripture inspired of god and beneficial books
and two keep on the watch brochures
one divine name that will endure forever brochure1984
two of the bible what is its message brochures 2009
one does g0d really care about us brochure 2001
and one keep on the watch, for what why is it especially urgent now 2004
if your interested pm me .
i have no problem tossing these in the mail , if its not to much, its cheap in the states to mail books its media mail.
if in one week i have no takers off they go to the curb.
i don't know where to start.
i got married a year and half ago.
some months into the marriage things where discovered.
i agree with scully for the fact that you were lied to. it is an illegal contract. No God in their right mind would expect someone to live in such a situation.
take it from someone who is in a unloving marriage, I have come to terms with the reality that I can leave when i want, and not feel guilty. [ but im not being abused physically, had i been even once, id have been gone long ago.]
you have a real reason to end it, not even God would disagree. God knows that one is a liar and does not follow the duty of a loving mate, so why would God want someone to stay in a spiritually destructive situation? Am I better than God? I would be If he doesn't allow a person to be free of oppression and great sadness.
The God I know wants people to be happy. how can someone be wholesome and fulfilling in their worship when its tainted with sadness and fear? they cannot.
most people know, and fully understand, that a divorce doesn't happen unless there is a real problem, and other people generally dont keep a bad attitude about it. its wrong to assume and to gossip.
in the hall i had gone to, three people got divorced and remarried were only disfellowshipped for maybe 8 months, after all they were immediately repentant, and they did not have sex before they got remarried. and are currently going to meetings.
three of my own family members had to get out of real bad marriages [abusive situations] [all jws] and got remarried, and were DF for a little while but not long. the reason is this, no one chooses to end a marriage unless its destructive, spiritually damaging, and, simply, wrong to stay in it! no one deliberately gets a divorce because they think its not a big deal and who cares. so , a person already feels grief over the whole thing. and that is what in itself is the punishment! [the bible says that too!] we don't need some goofy shunning added to the problems.
here is what a lot of people dont know, YOU can request to choose your own body of elders to hear your case.
my mother did this years ago, when the local elders disfellowshiped me for getting pregnant, I was an unbaptized 18 yr old, who had not been to meetings in two years! or service, in like 5.yrs. she knew an unbaptized person who hadn't been to meetings should not be DF. she was pretty upset about it, as she was all i had for help and she was not going to let me fall into homeless poverty and loose her first grandchild. so, knowing the elders wouldn't listen to her,because they did not like her forward personality,
she chose two elders from other congregations whom she knew better, and a circuit overseer she had known. and she met them at the assembly hall so she could explain to them what was going on. and they advised the elder body in her cong to change their decision. and so they eventually did, but they waited long enough to make it look like it was their idea. it was about 6 months only! and the only thing i did was t o go to meetings with my mom. yea it was pretty weird. announcing the reinstatement of an unbaptized irregular person, lol!
so dont be afraid, just get it over with, get the divorce, [definitely stay separated], take the needed time alone and improve your situation, and return to a good place. move to another area if you can too.
we cant help anyone else if were a mess right?
and if you want to, get remarried, just dont have sex until you are.
your not pleasing men, your pleasing God, and God never said you cant get divorced. and guess what else, were not under the law of Israel, and all those rules were for them.
but the principal is this, love one another. so by being loving.
maybe by getting a divorce your giving a 'gift of freedom' to the other person too.
[some people have such pride they will suffer rather than be the one to make the first move.I think that's what my husband is doing, forcing me to be the one to make the move, so he looks like the innocent party.]
I wish peace for you.
i have written a blog post about the dubs and their scorn of modern medicine and rasputin, while simultaneously touting unproven, dangerous cures.. i wonder what it is about a fake remedy that makes jws believe in it or scorn it?.
we are what we eat . [theres a book with that title too]
i dont know enough about the types actually.
adult onset diabetes
is almost always brought on by a bad diet and lack of exercise .
we wear our pancreas out with too much sugar we toxify our livers by too many chemicals.
so eating a healthy diet is surely something we all try to do.
is the watchtower having problems with meetings for field service?
are field service meetings being viewed as "less" important than other meetings?.
2015 march, our kingdom ministry.. click the link by the blue arrow.. ;.
this thread is to formally address this subject.
this is for forum members and especially for lurkers (current witnesses reading this in secret).
please feel free to post any additional points.. there are a lot of changes happening in wt land.
yea, who does benefit? its an awful lot of work to collect properties and manage them.
takes an awful lot of time doesn't it?
all these people can be attending individually simply locally run kingdom halls, paid for by local donations
and simply pay a printer for literature when they need it.
gee just think how much TIME everyone would have!