and inactive person is only inactive because the elders did not have the time to follow everyone around like a lost puppy. if and when someone finally gets around to me, I will ask them where they were when I needed help? and what good came from all my loyal years going to the hall? where are all my good close friends?
Im no worse off now than before. they will only have excuses not answers .
there is the key blondie, in the case of an ISRAELITE WOMAN Gods law through MOSES.
none of which is in effect for any of us and In my opinion has no purpose in my life and i cannot be bound by rules from an ancient civilization.
if an elder can hide sin for 'three' years, who knows when the 'three years' started? lol
people hide sin all the time. were sinners we cant help it, that's why we have UNDESERVED KINDNESS.
and its not for men to judge. thats my story, and Im going to stick with it. lol