long story short my mom was acting weird, snubbing me, when I tried bringing her grandkids to see her, so I tried again and this time I just went up and hugged her since she wouldn't hug me or acknowledge any affection. When I released her I immediately saw her annoyed look and asked what? Bang, she unleashes a floodgate of how she's still mad at me for going to another church that believes the trinity. She doesn't understand how I turned my back on her teachings, after all she taught me "the truth" (eye roll). The trinity is wrong and why do I believe in it.
For one I don't believe the trinity but have serious questions on the witnesses reasoning and I tried telling her but she was just going off. So I asked her "According to the witness bible in John 1:1 it calls Jesus "a god" in the beginning, so I ask how is that possible when you teach according to the bible that there is only one true god. Is Jesus a true God or a false god? She was a little stumped and tried to say there is only one almighty god(still just one God, though) and then fires off that the bible calls angels gods, and I was like, what!?!? It doesn't say that. anyone out there hear this before