not to worry, it fell.
Jesus warned his apostles back then THEY would see all this happen. [he told them to flee to judea or else.]
the 'great' tribulation already happened. they went through it. so says the letters to the 7 congs.
read this its amazing.
Jesus is ruling, he told them they would see him in his kingdom.
the kingdom is in us if we wish it to be.
the battle AT Armageddon happened already too. thank the Lord. lol
paradise is in heaven, so says the bible many times.
paul said it was in Corinthians when was in the third heaven where paradise is . and Jesus is there in heaven. where he told the guy next to him he would be going that 'day' after they died. [ although, jesus did not go directly to heaven, he went to preach to the demons in the prisons first why, who knows ,lol]
no one has yet to show me where a scripture indicates there is anymore than one fulfillment of any said prophesy. prophesy is for the listener at the time. where also is any scripture that
says anyone lived through 'an' 'Armageddon'[which is a place not an event] people lived though tribulation.