I pointed that out to my mom once, and asked her if thats to be part of the God given rules why are we not today observing it? she gave a lame answer, and i told her its becasue men back then viewed women as second class citizens, then she went off about all the 'good women' one who has a bible book names after her.
I said so then we can have our own view on whats proper to observe now ? so then why do we need the bible to tell us whats good and bad?
she changed the subject.lol
it is held by bible scholars researchers and the like,
[in which were quoted from in several books i have read about bible writings by bart ehrman and others]
that those were added in later by someone copying or translating. its all ancient man made rules.
doesn't it seem odd that all of the sudden that off topic statement just inserts itself there? I always thought so.
its the best place the jerk could place it. paul did not write many of those anyway, nor did Matthew mark Luke or john write theirs.
I also found a scripture repeated on the following chapter, lol,
[cant recall which one right off hand] but i know which place it did belong, made no sense where it was the first time. lol.