ok all you former elders servants and c.o.s
lol, fess up, why did ya do it? defend your honor already lol
if you were/are in the sydenham (melbourne/victoria) congo you may be very familiar with this a few years back.
a prominent elder who likes the sound of his own voice (hint, his initials are william saad) yes of quite a well connected family, was on a judicial committee who was disfellowshiping one of his own male relatives for repeated marijuana usage.. this story by the way shows how corrupt the whole system is.
as williams family (elders and c/o) had covered up the previous few sorrid outcomes of his drug usage, they couldn't contain the last public viewing of his drug dependency, witnessed by many witnesses ironically... so they held a jc to disfellowship him.
ok all you former elders servants and c.o.s
lol, fess up, why did ya do it? defend your honor already lol
found the latest copies next to the toilet {witnesses must have visited my wife} and had a look after not reading anything for a year.
its a pamphlet not a magazine!
only a few pages long with shallow articles.it felt like my "spiritual food" was now those cheap home delivered diet t.v meals!!
its anyone's guess, if its worldwide, be a good thing to know.
where is it that there are several people sitting around discussing what they feel the bible text they are quoting means? or is it only the 'governing body' who has that right?
if i question a passage or story, my jw mom, being so un knowledgeable to begin with when it comes to the bible, will always go right to what the society says it means. she wouldn't even research it with their sources, she 'has no time' lol. who pray tell, has time for [gasp], conversation? apparently no one.
found the latest copies next to the toilet {witnesses must have visited my wife} and had a look after not reading anything for a year.
its a pamphlet not a magazine!
only a few pages long with shallow articles.it felt like my "spiritual food" was now those cheap home delivered diet t.v meals!!
yes they are no more than pamphlets. there are at least a half dozen people at my moms khall who do not have internet or a computer, and cannot get on j w .or to begin with . they pretty much limited their accessibility to those who can afford it.
its all repetitive bull anyway. instead of concentrating on the good deeds they can do for each other,
all they care about is doctrine and pushing paper nonsense .
now, who predicts meetings will go down to one hour?
i cant recall the scripture, where it says than only a few men will he live to be 80 years or so, can anyone recall that?.
so then im wondering, if it is a fact that men lived long years 900 in some cases, for what reason would god limit our lifespan if our time is so short compared to his?.
how on earth does man go from living 8 and 9 hundred years down to 80 to 100 ?.
I cant recall the scripture, where it says than only a few men will he live to be 80 years or so, can anyone recall that?
so then Im wondering, if it is a fact that men lived long years 900 in some cases, for what reason would God limit our lifespan if our time is so short compared to his?
how on earth does man go from living 8 and 9 hundred years down to 80 to 100 ?
unless, the ages were fabrications, or they were not humans. at what point did God say, gee Ill make sure they age very fast so they all die before they are 120 yrs old. that means he was still 'working'
i was having a discussion with my sister yesterday, and she said to me,'mom told me that if dad dies at armageddon, she cant get remarried in the new system' .
i told he i have never heard such a thing, but i do recall that it was believed that anyone who dies now, cannot be married in the 'new world' because they are to be as angels in heaven.. she said , so why be resurrected if yiu cant live your dream of having a loving mate and perfect children?
god is still dictating to you how you will live.
and so, I bet if when a JW goes out in service and would happen to need to discuss this subject, the listener would definitely not let them come back.
who wants to be told that after the resurrection, you are no longer able to live the life that God instructed for the very first couple?? its like God going back on his original purpose.
splash thanks for those references, boy if that isnt a good way to show someone the flip flops that goes on.
i was having a discussion with my sister yesterday, and she said to me,'mom told me that if dad dies at armageddon, she cant get remarried in the new system' .
i told he i have never heard such a thing, but i do recall that it was believed that anyone who dies now, cannot be married in the 'new world' because they are to be as angels in heaven.. she said , so why be resurrected if yiu cant live your dream of having a loving mate and perfect children?
god is still dictating to you how you will live.
I was having a discussion with my sister yesterday, and she said to me,'mom told me that if dad dies at Armageddon, she cant get remarried in the new system'
I told he I have never heard such a thing, but I do recall that it was believed that anyone who dies now, cannot be married in the 'new world' because they are to be as angels in heaven.
she said , so why be resurrected if yiu cant live your dream of having a loving mate and perfect children? God is still dictating to you how you will live. I dont want to be sexless 'single angel' for eternity.
well If you think about it If you are as angels in heaven, are they not all considered to be male??
and where on earth did the watchtower EVER get the idea that people will 'grow' to perfection, all be as angels , not be able to marry and have children in their new world, and gee the obvious one, the new world, made up os so few people, lol. you figure, if everyone who is resurrected cannot have children or be married, how long is it going to take to 'clean up' the earth when there are only 6 or so million people on it, that have to procreate.
aside from the fact that scriptures do support the idea of 'going to heaven' when you die, since paradise is in the third heaven, and Jesus in in heaven, [to me, heaven not being a literal place but a descriptive term for 'out of my misery', lol]
just how can anyone support the ideas of a paradise earth and a earth full of non sexed people or male angelic creatures, living amongst humans?
i am seriously considering disassociating myself.
i want to do this because i no longer consider myself one of jehovah's witnesses.
i no longer consider jehovah as my god and i am in a new religion now.
I had the same sort of question a few months ago, If I should send a letter, because I felt out of principal I should cut the cord, but I simply don't care anymore, and the fact that half my extended family are Jws it would make it very difficult at family functions for those ones. so for them i guess i play along. when all of those older ones are dead, lol, and im like 60, maybe Ill have peace of mind.
Its odd, once you stop going to meetings your treated as if you have done something wrong and avoid you anyway. when and If I bump into someone out at a market or someplace public they are forced to say hello, and smile but then quickly move on. These people have no clue what s going on, but , I must be evil,lol.
Wicca is a following that does not have a lot of ' pomp and circumstance' and 'preaching', so that they would need to know what your doing. id sooner just , be way too busy, fill the schedule, and when with family make sure you are doing something that blocks the way for them to open up and questions of discussion. the thing is I have my mind and my own opinion and they cannot take that from me anymore. that alone is my closure.
40-50 years after saying "armegeddon is right around the corner" we are now making progress!!!.
gotta have a sense of humor to deal with this stuff..
we've already survived a great tribulation haven't we ?
so where did god exist before he created the heavens?
of course this is one ancient mans explanation of what might had happened. its certainly not the right answer. it is in fact one mans story. with lots of contradictions I might add. this is whats so puzzling, where did anything come from? evolution certainly can be a logical answer but still, where did matter come from to begin with?
I personally could never get past genesis , its too unbelievable. the whole bible is too unbelievable.lol
apparently it was announced last night.
i was not informed (for 'legal reasons'), but they phoned my dad and told him.
i understand it is due to my apostate book.
its a parallel universe we are in when we are basically saying yay, for getting DF. lol.
but seriously,
how on earth does someone get DF without their knowledge? isnt that like wrong?
to me, that means you did not have any chance to defend yourself,
these men have placed themselves above the law of the land, put their by god,
they made their own laws, [like the Vatican]
and in a large way arent they guilty of slander?.
what legal reason? and whos laws are they claiming is in question? if they say legal reasons, then you have legal rights too. and so use them.lol
wow, Im pretty curious , how it is that you have not 'lost it whats your secret? lol