I was having a discussion with my sister yesterday, and she said to me,'mom told me that if dad dies at Armageddon, she cant get remarried in the new system'
I told he I have never heard such a thing, but I do recall that it was believed that anyone who dies now, cannot be married in the 'new world' because they are to be as angels in heaven.
she said , so why be resurrected if yiu cant live your dream of having a loving mate and perfect children? God is still dictating to you how you will live. I dont want to be sexless 'single angel' for eternity.
well If you think about it If you are as angels in heaven, are they not all considered to be male??
and where on earth did the watchtower EVER get the idea that people will 'grow' to perfection, all be as angels , not be able to marry and have children in their new world, and gee the obvious one, the new world, made up os so few people, lol. you figure, if everyone who is resurrected cannot have children or be married, how long is it going to take to 'clean up' the earth when there are only 6 or so million people on it, that have to procreate.
aside from the fact that scriptures do support the idea of 'going to heaven' when you die, since paradise is in the third heaven, and Jesus in in heaven, [to me, heaven not being a literal place but a descriptive term for 'out of my misery', lol]
just how can anyone support the ideas of a paradise earth and a earth full of non sexed people or male angelic creatures, living amongst humans?