if so would that not make Matthew ch 17 vs 3 [transfiguration] a bit confusing to explain? I mean, where did they come from? the grave?
JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
is the current WT teaching that all prior to jesus death will not go to heaven?
by sowhatnow inif so would that not make matthew ch 17 vs 3 [transfiguration] a bit confusing to explain?
i mean, where did they come from?
the grave?
OMG once and for all, whats this idea of a three fold prophesy??
by sowhatnow inwell it happened again, i got annoyed at my mom telling me all about the co visit , and i couldn't help myself, i said' oh god mom its like the pope is visiting, all that info can be told with the regular elders you don't need 'special' people .. subjects ensue,.
she says 'your misled, your so wrong, no one else on the planet has the beliefs that we do, we are the only ones with the truth, i dont follow men, bla bla.. , 40 minuets... , misquotes all over the place, isaiah this and that, yada yada ' j"vah has to have an earthy organization to give us the proper food, bla bla.
i say ' no jesus is gods mediator, we don't need men and were told not to listen to men for they are imperfect.
oh yea, I was asking her if she remembers just studying her watchtower lessons with the type anti type nonsense. she says to me, oh your just reading those to find fault. lol so no matter what we loose right?
no longer can i 'read those' and be found righteous , lol then of course she defaults to the old " you are just looking for a reason to not go out door to door, you never liked it , you never liked meetings, bla bla.
yea thats why i went and gee the holy spirit must have been drunk then to 'lead me' to be baptized, lol. yea the holy spirit was drunk when 'it' let my soon to be x become ministerial servant when I knew what he was really like.
shes still teaching the three prophesy fulfillment bullcrap to her bible study! she has her own teachings,lol
I wont hold my breath waiting for her to find 'the time' to look up scriptures. and kalk ill have to look into that info.
OMG once and for all, whats this idea of a three fold prophesy??
by sowhatnow inwell it happened again, i got annoyed at my mom telling me all about the co visit , and i couldn't help myself, i said' oh god mom its like the pope is visiting, all that info can be told with the regular elders you don't need 'special' people .. subjects ensue,.
she says 'your misled, your so wrong, no one else on the planet has the beliefs that we do, we are the only ones with the truth, i dont follow men, bla bla.. , 40 minuets... , misquotes all over the place, isaiah this and that, yada yada ' j"vah has to have an earthy organization to give us the proper food, bla bla.
i say ' no jesus is gods mediator, we don't need men and were told not to listen to men for they are imperfect.
well it happened again, i got annoyed at my mom telling me all about the CO visit , and i couldn't help myself, i said' oh god mom its like the pope is visiting, all that info can be told with the regular elders you don't need 'special' people .
subjects ensue,
she says 'your misled, your so wrong, no one else on the planet has the beliefs that we do, we are the only ones with the truth, I dont follow men, bla bla.
, 40 minuets... , misquotes all over the place, isaiah this and that, yada yada ' j"vah has to have an earthy organization to give us the proper food, bla bla. i say ' no jesus is Gods mediator, we don't need men and were told not to listen to men for they are imperfect.'
and then the big one she ends with....
"the bibles prophesies have a three fold fulfillment." so she says. then she says 'im not arguing with you anymore my heat breaks for you.' and she says goodbye. [meanwhile ill be there at her house painting tomorrow]
someone tell me what scriptures any JW has ever used to support that?
i told her I want the scriptures to back it up. well you know, Ive said that half a dozen times with no results.
i want to be ready for that is she brings it up.
(Not)Preaching advice
by paradisebeauty inhaving recently had an "awakening" - not from reading awake .... i realize i can not preach doctrines i do not believe anymore .
but i do not want the elders to start following my every move, because i also have plans to check other christian denominations.. so i am thinking, should i chat for an hour or two with an old visit and report the hours, should i tell the elders i have some doubts and i do not want to preach for now or should i just stop reporting and avoid the elders attempts to talk to me?
what do you think is the best sollution to get away with this?
ok, heres what to do. on every other Sunday after the meeting, then every third Sunday a month, then once a month, then every 5 sundays, ect till you dont go out anymore.
'meet' for service, tell the lead out that your doing returns on the way home, and go home. report one hour a month.
you can do the same with meetings. phase out.
if anyone said to me 'oh you missed a good talk"
Id say , 'oh i listened in on the phone tie in'
who knows if i did or not? i did that a lot in winter, i do not drive in winter at night.
the more excuses you make the less people tend to bother with you, because your 'an excuse maker' and not worth their time.
for about a year or two, i left fairly quickly after the meeting, maybe saying hello to one or two people on my way out.
nothing. Im not missed
why did man go from living 900 years to 90?
by sowhatnow ini cant recall the scripture, where it says than only a few men will he live to be 80 years or so, can anyone recall that?.
so then im wondering, if it is a fact that men lived long years 900 in some cases, for what reason would god limit our lifespan if our time is so short compared to his?.
how on earth does man go from living 8 and 9 hundred years down to 80 to 100 ?.
pokerplayerphil I dont think any of us really wants to live for 900 years, do we? particularly if we age at a rate equal to the age rate for us now, that might mean that for 200 years we would be senior citizens.
god 200 years limping around or with arthritis.
How hard is it to attend a congregation outside of the territory where you live? Consequences for doing so.
by hoser ini need to change congregation but stay living in the same place.
any experience with this.
and while you move into another hall, you can hope they loose your publisher card, like mine was ,
still misplaced as far as I know. hopefully it was tossed it out.
no one knows where i am or what im up to.
the only way the elders 'care' is if you 'work' for them ms or elder or pio.
then its a loss to their personal record keeping, and someone for assignments.
anyway, if any one had ever questioned me on that, Id simply ask them for the scriptures to back up the 'rule' [bible based teaching] that we need to go were we are assigned.
[believe me, id be left alone after that request]
How hard is it to attend a congregation outside of the territory where you live? Consequences for doing so.
by hoser ini need to change congregation but stay living in the same place.
any experience with this.
where i came from if someone asks why your going to their cong now, all one has to do is say 'we were assigned here to help'. quickly change the subject.
no one questions it, at least the general people.
lots of people in my moms cong are from a nearby territory, because her hall is very rural, small and has all old people and needed some ms and elders they had one of each. if those ones were to leave that hall would have to close. there are barely 70 that go there. in fact within 5 years or less,
it wouldn't surprise me if 8 elderly people pass away.
in my past we attended many different congs, looking for association.
sociable people who liked to do things, but that never happened. I always understood one can go where they wish. we always did. we usually went where it was closest, not where we were assigned.
Geoffrey Jackson & His Wife Attend IC Held In Zimbabwe
by baldeagle inhttps://www.newsday.co.zw/2014/09/11/came-saw-made-zim-richer/.
if this subject was already considered i apologize for that.
it was sent to me this afternoon regarding the international convention recently held; august 22-24 in zimbabwe.
sickening, its like the 'pope' visiting , using funds of those 'followers' and doing nothing in return for them accept spew useless words. what benefit to any of those people attending will there be? none other than a social event to get dressed up.
Jesus said their use of many words will do them no good. if anything, the WT should be sending money to those poor people in the congregations for them to go to school, and eat food, rather than stand in a convention site making everyone feel like they need to show their faith by those sorts of useless works . they know not the culture or the struggles of these people. conventions are such a burden.
nothing new nothing new nothing new!! [ i keep telling my mom,lol]
shame on them for 'standing in front of people in order to be heard by use of their many words' to be adored by the masses.
why did man go from living 900 years to 90?
by sowhatnow ini cant recall the scripture, where it says than only a few men will he live to be 80 years or so, can anyone recall that?.
so then im wondering, if it is a fact that men lived long years 900 in some cases, for what reason would god limit our lifespan if our time is so short compared to his?.
how on earth does man go from living 8 and 9 hundred years down to 80 to 100 ?.
ah, oral tradition, so 'dependable' ,lol
id bank on a huge typo for the 900 age. it was probably 90. to live to be 90 in the days of the bible characters, would have been a milestone, since the life expectancy was so short. if it wasnt for unbridled sex , think just how much longer would it have taken mankind to get this far considering all the plagues [and wars like that of ghengus khan's] killed of a quarter the earths population many times over.
that extra zero really had us going, lol. so now if those persons like my mom would use their heads and reason on even just that error, there might be hope after all.
The multitude that no man can number
by SonoftheTrinity inhow can protection from destruction at armageddon be solely with the jehovah's witnesses when the great multitude is one that no man could number while the jehovah's witnesses put great effort into cooking statistics of how many jws there are worldwide?
the unscriptural scare tactics they use are blatantly insulting to anyone who can read a bible.
these are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, not the final war. the great tribulation, ws indeed great for them back then, we all continue to have tribulation. some of us have great tribulation , say, those victims of ethnic cleansing, i say the reason no man can number them is because no one will ever be able to count only people who have had tribulation in their lives, it would be easier to count people who were born, and died with a easy trouble free life.
verse 15 in rev ch 7 tells me one thing. these people are all in 'heaven' because they are serving God day and night IN his temple.
Id reason, they are not on a paradise earth. that is why they will no more suffer thirst hunger sickness and death those former things passes away for them. after all the jw thought is that when you are in the 1000 year reign, if you sin, you will be destroyed. at least that's what i was told.
the last ch of rev says people will be outside , so there is obviously something missing here, like lots of pages...
revelation ch 7 had plenty of opportunity to mention a paradise earth. it does not.
although, now, if this is an 'earthly' temple, than gee where is the backup scriptures for that.
certainly not in the gray bible, lol.