did they get it?
do they also not see that they are building 'temples'?
did they get it?
do they also not see that they are building 'temples'?
did they get it?
do they also not see that they are building 'temples'?
what was that blessing part about?
i kept hearing pioneers talking about the blessings that they were receiving and as i looked at their lives objectively, there really isn't anything special about them.
maybe they are just more appreciative of things than other people.
I wonder what blessing my mother would say shes been receiving from the org? lol,
I see none other than she still alive and able to drive, lol
did you watch the story about the jw who was working as a burger boy at some diner and his boss wanted him to work on sunday during the time of his meeting?
this faithful jw decided he could not attend a later meeting (6 pm sunday meeting) and soon quit his job(or got fired to attend his sunday meeting) so he could attend the sunday meeting he was assigned to.
i think he was on welfare because this story states he won't work on sunday morning because that's when his meeting is!
where i live no one can quit a job and collect unemployment, or welfare.
you only collect unemployment if you are laid off from your employer, or quit due to unfair job practices, and file a case for unemployment. kids or not, you cannot get unemployment for quitting a job. it would have mae more sense for him or her to look for a new job first before quitting
welfare will not give you cash funds unless you are actively looking for employment and they want the proof , and you are required to take the first job offered to you regardless of hours, otherwise your 'benefits' are cut off, all of them, including food stamps.
you are also required to spend up to three days a week at 3 hours each, sitting in front of a computer applying for any and all jobs, repeating many, just to get these benefits they dont care where your kids are, if you don't have a sitter, you cant bring them to the welfare office, and you have to be there. you cant do it at home.
so guess how many people aren't on assistance? and how many kids are left home alone? lots.
. its not easy to get welfare in pa. you have to jump through flaming hoops, which is why so many go to food banks, because they do not quality for welfare benefits. they make it too hard.
besides not being a bible based requirement to be at meetings,
only a lazy fool, would quit a paying job, and get on assistance to waste gas driving around preaching and let themselves and their families have a bad reputation.
for those who still pray, and go to the kingdom hall, when was the last article on prayer?
whats the view now?.
king solomon asked that jehovah hear only foreigners who prayed toward gods temple in jerusalem.
For those who still pray, and go to the kingdom hall, when was the last article on prayer? whats the view now?
I always wondered, what was the original purpose for man to bow and pray to invisible things.
but no matter that i can find out, but here is what blew me away one day while doing random research.
a 1990 may 15 watchtower page 10 - 15,fear Jehovah the hearer of prayer] paragraph 9 says this:
to be heard by God a person must express prayerful sentiments that are in harmony with the divine will. yes he must be sincere, but more in required."without faith it is impossible to please [GOD] well, ....[hebrews 11 6]
then in par 10 it says:
aware that prayer is a restricted privilege, [italics mine] [so much for the other scriptures that say God is the hearer of praayer]
King Solomon asked that Jehovah hear only foreigners who prayed toward gods temple in Jerusalem.
now think about that...
of course the obvious contradiction is that its stated that prayer is restricted, then Solomon says hey God, let foreigners can pray as long as they pray to the temple direction, lol. gee what made them 'privileged'
my first thought was , this leaves all children who do not have the mental maturity, praying for no reason. and 3/4 of the world,lol.
and according to Solomon, anyone living outside the area of Jerusalem,[ that cant pray toward, the temple]
unable to gain Gods attention, lol.
[AND what right does Solomon have is asking GOD TO DO something? lol ]
paragraph 11 the last sentence [again contradicting the prior paragraph]
Wow. what a statement.
so to me the bible is representing only one religion, the ancient faith of Israel. this would be so obvious.
now ,
lets assume, the Bible is the word of God.
it is clear that God does not answer prayers, in my opinion. I am more convinced that prayers from the followers of all religions especially Islam, or other Muslim sorts of faiths, who focuses on these ritualistic prayer sessions, are in vanity. For half the world of people who do not follow religious practices are often no worse or better of , than those who do. everyone has the same eventuality. [what God would deserve to be worshiped who allowed such views and acts against women, the very one's who give life to man? happy mothers day indeed, lol]
I have heard the lame explanation form my jw mom, that God answers prayers he feels should be answered because we don't know the outcome of the situation, and God sees things we do not.
well then, that means God CAN see into the future. and he chooses to let people suffer. hmm. and then no one ever knows if they have a reason to pray. if we dont pray were no worse off.
my mother says, " Ill pray for my kids that they find their way to God"[ie the JW god]
and yet all three of us are not at all interested. after 40 years of my own jw experiences I find it logical to leave.
so one day, when she said Ill pray for you,
I asked, Mom is God answering your prayers? apparently he is not.
she then says ' satan has got into your hearts"
Then I said
'well that makes Satan stronger than God, right? why cant God influence us to the good then? and answer your prayers, are you not worthy of him?"
[gee, after all she "s privileged to pray shes a baptized jw of over 50 years] and so were many of us here once.
[shes been saying that sort of thing as long as ive been alive." Ill pray for you to find what your looking for".] "what about all those innocent children in the world who do not know of god who are sick, starving, or being made slaves, and God does nothing to show them he exists? wouldn't that be a good way for God to gain faithful followers?
subject changes...
To me, this is the cement proof a god does not exist.
if the belief now is God his the hearer of prayer, what is he holding back for?
If God did indeed answer the unselfish prayers of everyone who prayed to him, would that not give us the proof and opportunity to see how real he/she is ?
Now I know the bible has in it a few scriptures that tell us we should not be seeking a sign, however I seriously doubt that this is talking about prayer, there is no proof of it.
so of those who have had previous faith in prayers, have your prayers in reality proven to be of value other than to make yourself feel better? do you pray, ' just in case' God is real and is judging you? as if he wouldn't perceive that anyway? after all hes a reader of hearts, lol
out of curiosity, i have caught a glimpse or two of the "drama" style videos.
are the ones in these televised "dramas" jw's or did they hire actors for the job?
i can't see the average jw being able to do acting as good (if you will call it good) as some of these people.
debating this was going to be the last day in field service was not hard after dealing with a nasty mess because i was grouped with the misfits of the kingdom hall!
i was reading this website on my phone while something started to stink in my car and one of the weird kids nobody wanted to work with yelled "hey, you leaking all over my seat, he was freaked out too!
" the older, retired elder, his pioneer daughter had forgotten to put his depends on and that became my problem.
no one over the age of 70 should go out i service. [god, how embarrassing these poor elderly women with their hideous legs in knee high stockings... struggling to get out of the car. only to stumble with a presentation at the one door they got to go to in the whole morning]
did not the levites retire at 70? since jws think they are part of an [imitation] nation of Israel , then they should retire from the 'temple' at age 70 and go home and play with their cats
i was on the jw.org website today and decided to watch a video entitled 'respect jehovah's authority'.
to my surprise approximately 3mins 25secs into the video, as the opening title began to fade, a symbol of the all seeing eye (eye of horus) appeared on the screen.
the scene was not set in egypt, but in a hebrew tent in the wilderness where praise was being sung to jehovah!!
ive seen the images in older books, i have these books, and its too obvious. some people have enhanced photos on line at websites, of what they claim are hidden images, and even myself feel some are a stretch of the imagination but there are some pretty obvious ones.
i have not watched the video yet, but some images/pictures/symbols cannot be seen by everyone, as in the case of magic eye art, some can see these some cant. so lets not discount anything at this point, lol
so, i've got the assembly tomorrow, or so the wife says.
i should have bought this in preparation..... .
my mom would make sure she was able to 'survive' taking us kids to the assembly with a wide variety of 'quiet' snacks, gummy bears, jelly beans, mints, gum, cheerios, placed in quiet containers, tucked in quiet book bags or her giant quiet purse. then we have the assortment of books, tablets, coloring pencils, blanket ,pillow, THEN, to make sure we behaved, she carried a quiet wooden spoon in her purse, which my brother was smacked with in the ladies rest room, quite a bit.
after all, those snacks and coloring pencils always assist a child in siting still.... lol
calling you bible scholars!.
i was asked this:.
how can this apply to jesus when he was not in the grave for 3 nights?.
i havent gone to meetings in about 1 year and a half.
one of my neighbors who is a jw-lady told me that the co on the last visit said that its very likely that right after armageddon (which is just around the corner) the present governing body members will be in charge of the united states since they are familiar with the culture.
and that the apostles and early christians will be in charge of areas like china.
how old is this person? maybe they have dementia. that's abut the silliest thing I have heard in a long time. completely impossible. [oh yea thats right nothing is impossible with jehov. accept making sure his 'org' has enough money.]
[plus Armageddon is not an event its a place].