Did You Feel Bad For the JW Dishwasher-Cook Who Quit His Job (May JW Broadcasting)To Avoid Attending Later Meetings?  He Pioneered on Welfare or Unemployment!

by RoyalFlushPhil 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RoyalFlushPhil

    Did you watch the story about the JW who was working as a Burger Boy at some Diner and his boss wanted him to work on Sunday during the time of his Meeting? This faithful JW decided he could not attend a later Meeting (6 PM Sunday Meeting) and soon quit his job(Or got fired to attend his Sunday Meeting) so he could attend the Sunday Meeting he was assigned to. I think he was on Welfare because this story states he won't work on Sunday morning because that's when his Meeting is! So, almost always you can't collect Unemployment Benefits for quitting your job to attend Sunday Morning Meetings, it's not considered tragic to the Employment Board!

    1. Moral of this story is, if you don't like working your hours, get fired or laid-off and collect Unemployment Benefits and while looking for a no-skill job, you can Aux Pioneer for Six Months! Man stated he had no skills, whose fault is that?

    2. His house was not one he could afford doing his type of work, they only make $8 to $10.00 a hour, so how did he afford to have three kids and a house way beyond his means?

    3. Did you notice his White Wife was fifteen years older than him, was it the Ex-JW Husband that's enabling this new couple? She's 50 years old and his about 35 years old. Their house looked like all the Well Off Divorced JW Females who marry some younger kid making Min wage.

    What did you notice about that video, it was enough to make me puke! Did he get fired or quit, I thought if he quit he can't collect Unemployment Insurance, right?

  • DwainBowman
    Sadly there are lots of us that over the years quite good jobs for the Borg! I did at least twice. I never drew welfare of any kind, and went back to work quickly, less pay and benefits! If I had stayed at the first job, I would have been retired and not working so much about everything!
  • Crazyguy
    I knew of a brother who lost his job in Texas but no worries Jehovah will provide. So he started to pioneer did not even bother applying for work and yes Jehovah provided not a damn thing and he stayed unemployed.
  • JakeM2012

    I have known brothers that threatened to bring the "religious card" into play if their employer wanted them to work hours they personally didn't want to. It wasn't because they had issues with missing the meetings and they did not flip burgers for a living. They just didn't want to work those hours.

    I've worked on power outages with Seventh Day Adventist and they say they won't work Saturday, and it is accepted.

    The man described in WT video must have just quit. Yep, no unemployment if you quit.

  • ToesUp

    We had a Brother in our hall who lost his job and took the advise given at the Circuit Assembly. "If you loose your job, pioneer. Brothers who Pioneer are blessed, in due time, with a job offer." This is how it was spun at the Circuit Assembly.

    This Brother did just that, Pioneered. Well...a few years later his pissed off wife went to the Elders and complained that he was not providing for her financially. The Elders met with the Brother and read him the ole standby scriptures about providing for his family (you know the drill). He ended up getting a job.

    Moral to the story....in this religion....your damned if you do and damned if you don't. Crazy!!!

  • sowhatnow

    where i live no one can quit a job and collect unemployment, or welfare.

    you only collect unemployment if you are laid off from your employer, or quit due to unfair job practices, and file a case for unemployment. kids or not, you cannot get unemployment for quitting a job. it would have mae more sense for him or her to look for a new job first before quitting

    welfare will not give you cash funds unless you are actively looking for employment and they want the proof , and you are required to take the first job offered to you regardless of hours, otherwise your 'benefits' are cut off, all of them, including food stamps.

    you are also required to spend up to three days a week at 3 hours each, sitting in front of a computer applying for any and all jobs, repeating many, just to get these benefits they dont care where your kids are, if you don't have a sitter, you cant bring them to the welfare office, and you have to be there. you cant do it at home.

    so guess how many people aren't on assistance? and how many kids are left home alone? lots.

    . its not easy to get welfare in pa. you have to jump through flaming hoops, which is why so many go to food banks, because they do not quality for welfare benefits. they make it too hard.

    besides not being a bible based requirement to be at meetings,

    only a lazy fool, would quit a paying job, and get on assistance to waste gas driving around preaching and let themselves and their families have a bad reputation.

  • LisaRose

    I wonder how many JWs watched that and thought how incredibly stupid it was to quit a job for that reason? Is his faith so weak that missing a meeting or two would cause him to lose it? Why couldn't he just start looking for employment that wouldn't conflict with the meetings? Not to mention the fact that he would have to be dishonest to collect either welfare or unemployment in that situation. It's beyond ridiculous that they would present this loser as an example to others.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    As I said in an earlier post on this topic.

    (if any of this story is even true) Most JW's in that situation would have simply attended a later meeting in Sunday.

    Most JW's (especially ones with 3 kids) would have waited to quit until they had another job.

    The interior shots of that house were obviously a set (there were no windows in any of the rooms). Unless his wife had a good job, he couldn't have afforded to live there. (All the rooms were decorated in the JW perfect funeral parlor style)

    They said, it took so long for him to get a job that he eventually had to sign up for unemployment. Most people, if they were entitled to it, would have signed up for unemployment immediately. This shows me that he quit rather than was fired as they (sort of ) indicated he was. In some circumstances, you can get unemployment if you quit, but only after many weeks have passed first.

    There were many subliminal messages in that video that were intentionally used to get your sympathy for the Brother. The most glaring one to me was when the Boss put a timer in front of him while he cooked an order and the Brother gladly worked faster and was able to meet the deadline. This (if it even happened) was to show how mean and unreasonable the boss was to work for and asking him to work on Sunday was part of that unreasonableness.

    They indicated once again, that Jehovah plays a direct hand in making good things happen in your life. Even though millions of non JW's have better jobs or are losing jobs and getting new ones all the time, when it happens in the congregation, it's because Jehovah manipulated time and space to get you what you deserve for doing what the WT Society calls "His Will".

  • OnTheWayOut
    I don't know about "this guy" but I do know that several single sisters had to stay under-employed in order to get state benefits and continue pioneering. They were the examples in the congregations.
  • NewYork44M
    Can someone link to this video story? Thanks.

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