um, how about the damage to the men?
Ill say one thing, There are an awful lot of people out there who look down on we who were once stay at home moms, they act like we sat on our butts and watched tv all day. i worked on the side cleaning on top of doing my wifely and motherly duty for over 20 years. I wouldn't have had it any other way, but after my kids were in school it would have been nice to get a decent job where I was not ruining my back. but nooo, I had to spend my 'free' time serving 'you know who.'
now I do agree that by having more women in the work force has taken many jobs from men, and that has had its own issues, of preventing men from having families and wives.especially in developing countries. its a huge issue of unemployment and men not being able to provide for a family. so they are single, so, women are single. they are stuck being adult children. read a whole article about that dilemma.
with stagnant low wages , rising costs of housing, gentrification, and jobs being taken over by robot manufacturing, is the new challenge. what is a 'home' supposed to be ?
However, the stay at home mom, has been looked down on for years now.
we x-jw [past stay at home moms,] with no college degree or any work experience,who are now divorced, and looking for a new mate, have nearly a zero chance of gaining the respect or attention and secure long term relationship of any decent wage earning mature secure man. from personal exp, the moment any of these possibly interested single or divorced men, ask 'what do you do?'
Now, if your not independently wealthy, have a 'career' or have your own financial support, they drop you like a cannon ball. [then add to that the fact that soooo many of these guys are claiming to be 'religious' ha, where is their tradition role?
[ im simply not interested in going to church. so that eliminates so many more guys].
i can just hear them say, as they read my reply to them,
'oh she does THAT, forget her .'
yup. had it happen several times. but, Im not going to lie.
seems to me most men these days aren't looking for a 'wife' to stay home for them and take care of things, they want no commitment, but they want just one woman in their life, so basically they want to date till they die?
who but an x jw man can possibly understand what we x jw divorced women have been through?[and there is no x jw date site that Im aware of.]
First they say they want a woman in their lives to love and to hold, but then want her to have a career and be independent? double talk. they want only to date have sex and not be responsible men.
Thats what women's lib did to men. took away their pride and self respect, the fact they were needed.
'oh the girls dont need us, they can make their own money, so we dont need them.'
oh lonely hearts.
very sad. Ill be the one to say, I need a husband, and want a husband. Id like to make us dinner and go out and have fun and have a friend, is that so bad?