I do feel that not just anyone should be able to own a weapon that shoots many rounds per minuet, those should only be for foot soldiers in active war situations, and even then i don't agree with it. if every soldier had to shoot only one bullet at a time seems to me less people would get killed,lol. the man who invented the gun was evil.
i heard a politician express the problem with background checks and guns being sold by private owners, say selling your gun to a relative or friend.well, all those 'sales' should be done at the notary public, like selling a used car. and the purchaser should pay 15 dollars for a background check. there should be a 'title' to go with a gun. maybe?
So,now lest think this way, what if everyone on the planet had a gun hanging on their hip in plain sight? what would the mood be?
a weapon is an inanimate object, the intent of the person carrying it is the whole problem. It would be interesting to me to know how many of those persons who use guns to shoot people have been mentally troubled, on prescription anti anxiety or drugs for mental conditions, or were brainwashed into a certain line of thinking.
we have, depressed country kids who go off the deep end, unhappy marriages, miserable over worked people, or radical thinking people, radical, religious beliefs or gangs shooting for drugs or other material wants.
all people who are not really happy. so sad.