TD, your correct to feel men arent emasculated by equality, lots of men have no issue with women wanting to do what they wish, and enjoy. However, what I dont agree with, IF I understand you correctly, this statement,you make..
'People, regardless of their gender are not going to divide their estate with someone who's bringing substantially less to the table. Not by and large at any rate'.
what happened to love and 50 50 relationships?
Um, so, say me for example, a stay at home mom and wife for 35 years, who did everything I physically could to make our marriage equal in responsibility, does not 'bring' the same to the table because it was not a paycheck?
lucy you got some 'splainin to do! lol
The fact that I never made a mortgage payment on the house I lived in but kept clean, or paid utilities that i used to cook meals and wash clothes, means I brought nothing to the table? gee, should I have charged a fee for sex? lol
so, I am not entitled to half my x husbands assets because why? I worked for them. Im not some crab ass greedy person, Im not going after him for anything but what I need to have to live. I worked just as hard as he did, and because now Im not going to benefit from the nice house and retirement life that I worked towards along with him, due to this unfortunate unwanted divorce, Im supposed to go off empty handed and struggle living in a basement of my kids house because I have no benefits that I worked for?
and your statement,
'At my age, a man can't usually get a second date unless he has at least one house paid for free and clear'