Im all for trying to understand the science behind how the world came to be, but my brain hasn't evolved enough allow me to grasp math and science.
Now dont laugh too hard, and dont hang me.
I always remember the WT explanation of why evolution wouldn't work, the claim that if you put a bunch of watch parts in a clothes dryer and tumble them around, a watch is not going to get made.
It always disturbed me though, as to where any matter came from to begin with. [the human idea that something doesn't come from nothing]
[WHO put those watch pieces in?lol]
Now here is how my mind works with no prior reading of any science. [ i cant understand it anyway, I read your post twice and still dont get it. I failed science,lol]
How did matter, or proteins or whatever, lol, 'find a compatible mate' to connect to, to get a process started?
what set off a big bang ? where did it all come from to be there in space? see, where still not there yet, and so we make up religion to explain away things. [all religion is man made anyway].
am i wrong to think, if large pieces of oddly shaped 'puzzles' were put in a gravity free 'space' and they floated around long enough, they would fit together well enough eventually, even if it took a million years. and then things as they gain more 'ability', can 'evolve' into something?
yes im that stupid.
However, again,lol, my mind wants to know where all of this stuff floating around came from, and what it is floating around in .
Now don't hang me for being so naive, lol, i cant digest science talk, it like a foreign language .seriously. not my fault, its my genetics. Im more hands on, not a brainiac.
[ my son, has left the jws years ago when he was 20, after listening and reading to Steven hawking and Richard Dawkins and whoever else is anti bible and creation,[ i like that sam harris] he had to convince me were not crazy to stop believing the bible. well, I was all for it.]
now the Queen of Clean must go to work, have fun with your ridicule, lol