wow, I cant get over that money rated so high in both charts, and I think the reason for that is because in our world without money you cant have anything, land, housing, free time, education, transportation, even food [if you dont have land and cant garden and store up for the winter]. even apparently a relationship. you cant get anywhere without it, money gets money. no money, no life. so sad that people are valued by how much they own and can make. so sad people cant live without it.
so yea I guess sadly money is pretty desirable.
and with all the health technology, whats on top? is better health, so apparently many of us still want better health so we can have the stamina to make more and do things.
me for one... yes give me more energy
money came before family, hmm i dont know how to interpret that other than without money, you cant afford a family...
and Where do Friends rate??? i dont see that on there. Id be thrilled to have friends.
moral virtue, wow out with the trash, eh? I sure can see that bad apple seed growing.
For me personally, love would be great right now, we all need it to survive. health second for sure, family is a no brainer, and if I were 20 yrs younger Id say friends first, then career success, and that leads to better money, and probably everything else would fall into place ,like having a life.
right now Im not able to choose a path, [I dont have someone to be my partner in life, and help guide me along,] so its dictated to me by the basic necessity of life.
I work , that's about it, lol