So Im at my moms the other day, and there lay the latest January study issue has an article about the whole made up silly story of the upper room and the holy spirit. [ how hard it is to be quiet....]
I have never read Acts, and saw that story happen. this fabricated story is all the Watchtower has to fabricate its whole teaching of being chosen to be one of the anointed 144,000. once you see it never happened, then the whole thing falls apart.
How I saw It, was that it was three separate events, two of them were specifically discussing the 12 apostles.
none of the events , IMO, were intended to included people who were not under the law.
[IMO, the SIN, was NOT following the law. period. anyone not following the law was a sinner. even if you were a perfect non religious ]
So, my question is,
Where has the reader of a bible interpreted the phrase 'receiving holy spirit' also meaning the same as being anointed?
and then blending that in with being 144,000, AND going to heaven?
I'm understanding the meaning of, to anoint, is to be anointed with oil, or given a position of responsibility or duty.
In looking up every scripture cited, in that article, [ one sentence in a scripture and a suggestion, does not fly with me.] intended to support that WT theory, and reading the entire account
in Acts none of them will lead a reader to conclude that.
1.the house in chapter one is the same as the house in chapter 2 .
2 . there were more than the 12 apostles that received the holy spirit in the house they were staying in in ch 2.
[confirmed by acts ch 1 vs 8- 11] [and ch 2 vs 7 Utterly amazed, they asked: “Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans?] acts 2 14 Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: “Fellow Jews ...]
2. that the people at Pentecost celebration were of the 144,000 .
3. that some of the people at the Pentecost were gentiles.[acts 2 vs 5 Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven.] lol, from every nation under heaven? [also see above]
4. that any women were involved in the gifts of the holy spirit, or being anointed, or being of 144,000
or being in attendance at the choosing of the new disciple [at acts 1 vs 15 - 26] .
Verse 15, In ch 1, does not say this event happened that day at Pentecost,[ some bibles do not include women in vs 16 of ch 1,] nor does it lead one to reason that this happened in either 'house.'.. [they were voting on who to replace judas, not a decision for women to make. most likely ]
[So they cast lots over them,+ and the lot fell to Mat·thiʹas, and he was counted* along with the 11 apostles.]
so now, does the WT think this story is supposed to do for everyone? they blend three events all into one mish mash.
I never got the whole point of the story.
where does it say in the bible that women are of the 144000?
[an answer i never got,lol, not one scripture to back it up]
where is it said that the 144,000 are ‘spirit’ anointed?
is the term 'spirit anointed' in the bible? and to whom is it referring
were does it say that those 144,000 are chosen over any period of time?
where does it say that they were to be taken to heaven to serve as kings and priests? [not over earth, its on earth]
where does it say that only 144,000 partake?
who said Gods children were only , or also the 144,000?
and even better yet,
where does it say that anyone other than the 12 apostles partake?
and who said those 144,000 first born male children of The tribes were not in fact sacrificed? lol .
many religions teach that,
that all Christians are given holy spirit,
and all Christians were anointed to spread the gospel of Christ,
so that means
all Christians are ‘anointed’ with holy spirit to teach.
Now for the Watchtower, I ask,
if all Christians are not 'anointed' with the 'holy spirit', and 'chosen', and only 144000 are
then, this means no one but Jesus the apostles, [those ones in that mystery room],
and 144000 have the holy spirit. and only they can teach.
and that means We cannot pray for the help of the holy spirit, since to be given holy spirit means to be anointed with that logic.
and that means all of those who claim to be of the anointed, '144000' would be teaching, not 7 men in new york. including those ones that are labeled as mentally unstable, lol.
oh wait, those mentally unstable 7 members are... ah, now i get it, lol