JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
Conversation with a Biblical scholar - Richard Dawkins
by CookieMonster inquite interesting when you look at the bible objectively and the historical records.
it highlights the problems of using the bible as authoritative and validation of history..
spoiler: didn't know that the immanuel prophecy attributed to jesus as being born from a virgin is actually a mistranslation.
i know, its something else when you dont have any religious propaganda influencing your mind and your free to reason.? -
Having Jehovah as a friend.
by Darkknight757 ini've always found it amazing that people can say with such conviction that jehovah is their friend.. we are talking about a "friend" who perhaps daily "tests" us to see if we are his friends.
all of us have dealt with some form of hardship such as the death of a loved one, chronic illness or whatever.
it is in these cases that the brothers will tell a person that perhaps it is a test, or that "jehovah knows you're not ready" or some other lame excuse.. do our real friends "test" us to see if we will be loyal to them?
where did you get that photo of the old cong i used to go to? ... lol
How do I handle this situation?
by BarelyThere inhey everyone.
i'm sorry that this isn't a very thought provoking post but i could really use some advice on how to handle this.
there isn't anyone else in my life i can ask right now because, being dfed, all of my friends are "worldly" and don't know how witnesses function.
omg,I feel so bad for you. Id FLIP!
is it really worth letting all those people walk all over your emotions and person, for contact with your family? unless you have some reason why you need them in your life, of course we dont know your situation. but that's absolutely sickening behavior. and yes the cong never looks at someone who was DF the same way again. its like you have a scarlet letter permanently on you.
one of my elder uncles once showed my now out son, his 'routine', and paperwork, had a chat with him about how things work.
and when my son got home, he [my son] told me that all records of everything you do go to the new cong you go to. [my son never went to a meeting again]
so there is no way 'new' elders are going to be any more likely to reinstate you any faster, or if at all. they keep in communication with the others. it might help though not being around all those old PIA's lol.
i knew of a man who was DF for having an dirty home, [yes they can do that] for years he was df, and died never being reinstated. he never did anything unscriptural, nor did his wife who died while he was DF.
to be honest, and i know you dont want to rock the boat, but omg,
here is what Id do
Id print up every one of those emails.
Id call for a meeting with the elder body and my x
Id take someone trustworthy with me, like a close friend as a second witness.
Id lay those emails out on the table and have my friend read them.
then Id walk out, saying,
May Jehovah judge you with what judgment you gave me.
just sayin.
How do you feel about the expression "The Truth"?
by stuckinarut2 init's amazing how the expression "the truth" has become such an ingrained term used by witnesses.. "we have 'the truth'".
"is he 'in the truth'?".
most here have found out so many facts about the organisation, and felt the effects of being "gut-punched" as we realised these facts.. so how do you feel about the expression "the truth" now?.
I always was annoyed at the expression 'in the truth' IN? lol .
its just like an exclusive club.
you cant even say , know the truth, because clearly they do not.
Elder Mentioning an "Apostate Problem"
by Simon Templar ini bumped into a sister that i have known for at least 40 years or so.
we were catching up.
she and her husband have been in the truth for decades.
fink, thats hilarious .lmao
but seriously, how on earth is the members of any cong supposed to interpret such talk going on about people who think they are 'anointed' partaking , as being mentally unstable? everyone doing that will be suspect.
that , [fortunately] undermines anyone's claim of being a chosen one.
this can also make some Jws question where elders get off assuming such things. is it for them to judge?
and naturally, those ones who 'think' [suddenly] they are above everyone else, are going to have less and less friends, as I for one would avoid them like a plague.
now, in that particular cong mentioned , with the several 'women' claiming that, there will of course be quite a stir, and after all, there are no scriptures to back up that women are of the 144,000.
a hinge comeeth loose, lol
The WT in 10 years time
by Coded Logic ina. in 2026 in what state do you think the organization will be?.
) 9million + members.
) roughly the same amount of members as today (7-9 million)..
who, DO they actually count as members? do they still count inactive people? DF people?,
I can't let go of this obsession...
by juandefiero ini really want to let go of the exjw obsession.
but i can't.
i keep coming here and other sites several times a day.i want to shout from the rooftops to my family and friends and say, "it's all a lie!
i feel your pain.
[yea, our jw shows up in the most annoying places...]
Thats why my old friend made the conclusion,
[when she and I had a discussion about teachings a while back]. she said to me,
" if we leave, were misfits in society, our brains are one way, but we want it another, and at this point, were too old to start over'
she decided to abandon me, stick with the org, continue to go along,
of course shes 'weak'. she does what she wants.
Im all by myself in my quest, lol , there isnt a person I know that is an xjw. I just wish somehow i knew who had thoughts like mine at the old cong i went to.
ive heard of one in my area, but was never at all familiar with them.
but oddly id bank on at least half a dozen people at this site who know at least one if not more of my large still in jw extended family, they were quite the popular ones in the Pittsburgh area.
The WT in 10 years time
by Coded Logic ina. in 2026 in what state do you think the organization will be?.
) 9million + members.
) roughly the same amount of members as today (7-9 million)..
3 all the way,
I cant see it being around at all in 50 years actually , at least not in the form that we know today.
its already changed since I was a teen.
Brooklyn news on sending the elderly packing
by I am a Bible Student injohnny the bethelite on this program talks about the older bethelites being targeted by watchtower.they are getting rid of those at bethel who are 65-87 years old, some being anointed even the widows of former governing body members who gave decades of loyal service time to the watchtower organization.. the reasons the very elderly are being expelled are money in that for their age range they cost so much to cloth, fed, and medicate, having problems from high blood pressure to dementia.
they include persons such as sister henschel whose husband had been a watchtower president and marian sydlik whose parents are long dead.. .
has the GB encouraged those ones leaving all their assets behind, to invest in stocks or an IRA or some means of income, while living at the jw slave resort? Have they encouraged the new arrivals to have a meeting with one of there lawyers about investing? is there some sort of retirement arrangement for these people?
They know these people cannot seriously stay there till they die, and having so many people in their 'care' of course they must provide some means of health care.
in this light, it is a corporation,[as we all know it to be] and as such ,should be paying taxes on the 'incomes' of those who work for them. even a non profit has a duty to compensate people.
to do otherwise is foolish, neglectful, disrespectful, and outright ignorant .
do not the GB THEMSELVES consist of men of that age??
where do they get off thinking they are not going to be getting dementia? Im sure they have plans...
WT Study 1/10/16 Encouraging Child Baptism And More Nonsense
by JW_Rogue ini've noticed that each wt lesson really only has one or two points they want remembered.
normally they build up to these by about the third subheading.
this week's lesson though was different, the main point was insidiously made through an experience in the first paragraph:.
tornintwo , you noticed that too?
years ago i started to notice the negativity in the lessons, and started to take a highlighter marker and highlighted every negative word or sentence. you can imagine how much of the article was covered. i wondered where is all the admonition to help and be friends with people? where was the light load??