i thought that's was shoes were for ,so you can stand on the ground for a long time. lol
not our fault if they stand there in dress shoes.
i've come across a guy on youtube that has been approaching numerous jws in public cart witnessing.
actually, calling it witnessing is beyond a joke because most of the time they are just standing there and in the case of this youtuber, they walk away in silence or turn their heads.the youtuber is not a jw and i don't think he ever was, he calls himself a christian and i don't think he is affiliated with any particular religion.there is one video where he shows about 4 jws standing on a square plate with a yellow marking on the edge, they each have their own plate.
i am curious as to why they are standing on these?
i thought that's was shoes were for ,so you can stand on the ground for a long time. lol
not our fault if they stand there in dress shoes.
trial over abuse among jehovah’s witnesses.
at least two boys were raped in the beliefs community at greifwald.
by cornelia meerkatz.
how simple things would have been for the wt society [or any religious org] if they simply would not get involved in such abuses, instead encouraging victims and families to go to authorities, and then simply DF the offenders period.
wash their hands of it more or less.
none of this coming back to god and being forgiven rubbish.
if a jw is raped ,robbed, or attacked, they are told to go to police, but if its by a admitted Jw do they?
probably yes, so whats the difference when it comes to child abuse?
if not then they think they are like the Vatican, and have their own laws.
the whole time i'll just be thinking about what effect all those crazy loyalty videos will have on my family.
i can venture to guess that they'll be wound up and determined to "stay loyal" because this "is the truth" and "this system can't last much longer".
i have to go because not doing so would raise too much suspicion but i'm really dreading it.
hmm, seems to me a sudden case of poison ivy is in your future, lol, well unless your highly allergic, let someone with a cold sneeze on you? go to walmart and lick some cart handles? [ yea right lol, ]
twist an ankle? sunburn? puddle under the car, bad brake lines ?
I knew a lot of people that would break up days, mornings afternoons, if it was close enough to drive that is.
one convention, my son forgot his suits, so here we were on a saturday waiting for a mall to open,[ not until 10 am], so we could find something for him to wear, missed the whole morning session.
forgetting something so you have to go back usually eliminates the whole day if not the whole weekend.
now, there was one time when the expense was just too much, gas was at an all time high, and we had long stopped getting hotel rooms, simply too expensive for us. so we went to the meetings at a neighboring cong, instead of the assembly. but the bottom line is, if your the 'head of the household', you have the right to say what your going to do. if you do not want the children to go to the convention, don't take them. use scriptures to support your headship. god instituted the marriage, with the husband to protect and teach his family, and as her husband and a father you are protecting your family. from whatever misguided ideas, or possible crimes, or whatever. by over riding your headship,the watchtower is sinning against god. remind her, there are no scriptures that tell us there is a command to be at meetings or conventions. using a few sentences in some scriptures to support such an extreme view of meetings is wrong. Id have been thrilled if my husband would have explained that we did not need to go to an assembly. so would have my kids ,lol they would rather be stuck in the house all day. assemblies were too overwhelming for me after a while. I was tired of the negativity. the constant guilt tripping, the let downs the constant ignoring of my kids and family
there was no joy ever for us being there.
your wife must have a weak spot. some sort of conscience.
start at 1 samuel 18;1-4..now imagine if this story had been about jonathan and a woman.. 1 samuel 20:30..saul calls jonathan a son of a perverse rebellious woman!
the blame for his.
behavior goes first to the mother, who was too soft," or too harsh who perverted his son somehow.. 1 samuel 20:41-42.."they kissed each other and wept with each other".. so was it merely deep friendship or a romantic relationship?.
well if thats the case, then whats this scripture indicating....
john 13 23 One of them, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was reclining next to him. 24 Simon Peter motioned to this disciple and said, “Ask him which one he means.” 25 Leaning back against Jesus, he asked him, “Lord, who is it?”
[no name mentioned, lol]
i have already posted how i outed to an elder.... the only results were that another elder mentioned to me: "i heard you have doubts about the truth will you meet with us and clear it up... i also had doubts... i fixed them i can help.
" laughing inwardly i said sure.. oh i'm going to slaughter this moron.
when he asks my doubts i will show him the chromosome #2 video with ken miller.
the less you say the better,lol
they came by random to see me after 3 years, to welcome me back. i said 'Im not ready for that, i have issues i deal with, we all do,[they can deny it now] and for now i have to work them out, but thanks for stopping by.' i was on my way out, plus they never turned the engine off in the car, so i knew it be a short visit,lol
thats how they are here, short on time.
now if in the future they send women by, and they by chance catch me home,if they dare open a bible, and Ill open the niv bible. if they try to show me something, this will lead me to force them to read the whole chapter. lol, cant be picking and choosing scriptures now can we. must have context.
I only need ask them why it took them years to notice i was gone, where are all my good friends, where was my support system for my kids and broken marriage when i needed it, why are you going backwards in teachings, and whats up with the televangelism.
they cant deny it, Im sure they will leave.
following on from a similar post, the use of tablets/ipads at the meetings is a life saver to many a bored or mentally out jw.
i'm sure the borg must know the potential for surfing the net or reading other books instead of reading the meeting material during the meeting?.
at what point are they going to start policing this?
they wouldn't have to if they stuck with real books like always.... all the sudden opening a bible is too hard.
i asked my mom,
'how fast do you think people will forget where bible books are if they never use one again?'
shes yet to answer.
no one can be that naive to think they can introduce tablets to the meetings and people are going to only look at the material,lol [otherwise they would have bought stocks in kindles].
I mean, look at how many times people were told to leave their cell phone in the car. mute it, ect ect. now they can download lessons on them? hmm
[again, there are other forces at work here, lol]
ms. elena valenciano, chairman of human rights commission in european parliament has been informed about this video:.
she is taking care to bring and claim about this situation within european parliament.
let the domino's fall...
hmm, crazy_, that is interesting. i wonder if this is just a US thing.
[ I also question the timing of this released in an election year with such a candidate as trump.. lol .]
now, I wonder, where is all the big piles of media and crime data of people [who have been labeled homosexuals,] being responsible for violence? Oh wait, there isn't any...
must be true, if your nice, you must be 'gay'. lol
a thought occurred that the way the society has stigmatised the doing of external research by witnesses, and labelling any such questioning as "apostate", is tragic.. no doubt, in every other aspect of life, we research things before making decisions.
eg, if making a purchase, we go online and check reviews etc to check the product out.
we don't just trust the words of the marketing department.
then, you print this article up, and use it as ammo...lol
“Is it reasonable to assume that the religion imposed at one’s birth is necessarily the whole truth?” Thus, every person is encouraged to examine other religions with an open mind.”
— Watchtower, The Watchtower, April 1, 1991, page 17
oh really? that one way open mind? lol
oh, but wait, they have an answer for those super busy jws ... let the wt think for you.
"But in Jehovah’s organization it is not necessary to spend a lot of time and energy in research, for there are brothers in the organization who are assigned to that very thing, to help you who do not have so much time for this, these preparing the good material in The Watchtower and other publications of the Society.”
— Watchtower, The Watchtower, June 1, 1967, page 338
they describe themselves word for word here,
awake 1970 april 22 pg 8,
"Why is there this decline in religion?
One of the reasons is that people are disturbed by what is happening in their churches.[KHALLS] Yes, millions of persons have been shocked to learn that things they were taught as being vital for salvation are now considered by their church to be wrong. Have you, too, felt discouragement, or even despair, because of what is happening in your church? A businessman in Medellín, Colombia, expressed the effect the changes have had on many.
“Tell me,” he asked,“how can I have confidence in anything? How can I believe in the Bible, in God, or have faith? Just ten years ago we Catholics [OR JW'S] had the absolute truth, we put all our faith in this. Now the pope and our priests are telling us this is not the way to believe any more, but we are to believe ‘new things.’ How do I know the ‘new things’ will be the truth in five years?” Awake 1970 Apr 22 p.8
Well, I guess its all just a big social club now, an excuse to dress up. no one with a thinking brain can stand the teachings anymore, which is why so many stuck in's are thrilled to have a tablet and wifi at meetings, lol....
i've been confronting my mother with her dubious parenting skills (abuse) of me as a child.
particularly the beatings i would get with the wooden spoon.
not a light smack but hitting me as hard as she could for as long as she could.
so basically, based on these horror stories, most all of us would have been taken from our parents and put in the custody of the state, and these parents would have gotten arrested and fined.
absolutely disturbing. what next...
[sparky, right on, but, where on earth did you get that picture,lol , its odd, the kids have modern clothes on so i suppose its supposed to be future?]