So, is this to be read publicly? , or is it that the elders all agree privately to send excess funds in?
is there to be any vote on it? [sorry, I cant read the letter, Im not downloading any program on my computer to read it which his what was asked of me when i clicked on the link]
At what point will the congregations become aware of this? will there be a round about way of slipping the info in the local announcements so that the audience doesn't really 'hear' what is being said? maybe just hanging the cryptic letter it on the info board?
If its to be disclosed to the public , will the elders can choose how to 'break the news' by way of a clever one sentence gloss over? how creative can they be?
'and so that leaves us with $ 23.80, in excess for our monthly expenses for the month of December.. 'we have $300.00. funds on hand in our repair savings,and that we will be sending those on to the society as they requested'...[leaving us with a zero balance]
now, lets all listen to Brother Walkedallover as he shares with us ,
'How to be content with the things we have' ....
what meeting I wonder will that news be made known?
wish I could be a fly on the podium so I can see all the expressions of irritation and confusion .