so let me get this strait, aside from simple logic , that a building needs maintenance at times, and funds need to be immediately available [for example a furnace breaks down or the roof needs a repair, or the lot needs plowed]
And OMG, if any member happens to need some sudden financial help,[not that I have ever heard of anyone getting money from the congregation funds for a necessity ] Elders , cannot use their positions, as 'allowed' and granted to them by the society, lol, as to what is best for their particular congregations?
gee what next no elders? if elders need to pass every thing they do on to the GB, for approval, then who needs elders? then elders are not more than police for the GB government. sort of takes away the desire to give a crap.
at what point does a person think, 'gee, our body of elders is every bit as smart as those guys so why do we need the GB to tell us whats best to do for our hall? they claim to not be perfect, they dont know our specific needs or situation, we can handle it ourselves'.
It doesn't click in the old brain that they are overlords controlling everything. and that by defending them it is idol worship.
I recall my mom saying to me once, 'well you need bothers to lead, and I said, "well how are brothers made elders, and half your age, smarter than you?' [knowing full well she had disagreed with something they did in the past] If I tell you something mom, you tell me Im a fool and misled, and Im more knowledgeable than they are about the bible to begin with".
well that conversation ended.