JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
Evolution is a Fact #1 - Protein Functional Redundancy
by cofty ini intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.
lol, your all speechless, my work here is done. -
Did you know that Satan bump nesties with Eve.
by James Mixon insome christians explanation for evil in the world.
i came across this "serpent seed".. it claims that cain was the offspring of eve and the talking serpent (sorry i'm lmao while.
writing this) that christians much later identified as satan.
i think the book of genesis attempts to explain a whole story about 'alien' life forms and how they were 'placed' in the garden.... i dont think were here by accident [well maybe a crash landing lol] , just sayin. -
Evolution is a Fact #1 - Protein Functional Redundancy
by cofty ini intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.
Im all for trying to understand the science behind how the world came to be, but my brain hasn't evolved enough allow me to grasp math and science.
Now dont laugh too hard, and dont hang me.
I always remember the WT explanation of why evolution wouldn't work, the claim that if you put a bunch of watch parts in a clothes dryer and tumble them around, a watch is not going to get made.
It always disturbed me though, as to where any matter came from to begin with. [the human idea that something doesn't come from nothing]
[WHO put those watch pieces in?lol]
Now here is how my mind works with no prior reading of any science. [ i cant understand it anyway, I read your post twice and still dont get it. I failed science,lol]
How did matter, or proteins or whatever, lol, 'find a compatible mate' to connect to, to get a process started?
what set off a big bang ? where did it all come from to be there in space? see, where still not there yet, and so we make up religion to explain away things. [all religion is man made anyway].
am i wrong to think, if large pieces of oddly shaped 'puzzles' were put in a gravity free 'space' and they floated around long enough, they would fit together well enough eventually, even if it took a million years. and then things as they gain more 'ability', can 'evolve' into something?
yes im that stupid.
However, again,lol, my mind wants to know where all of this stuff floating around came from, and what it is floating around in .
Now don't hang me for being so naive, lol, i cant digest science talk, it like a foreign language .seriously. not my fault, its my genetics. Im more hands on, not a brainiac.
[ my son, has left the jws years ago when he was 20, after listening and reading to Steven hawking and Richard Dawkins and whoever else is anti bible and creation,[ i like that sam harris] he had to convince me were not crazy to stop believing the bible. well, I was all for it.]
now the Queen of Clean must go to work, have fun with your ridicule, lol
Galling Meeting Today! Truly Nauseating!
by Nicholaus Kopernicus infirst scripture used by the public speaker was jeremiah 31:34 - "and they will no more teach each one his companion and each one his brother, saying, know jehovah!
for they will all of them know me, from the least one of them even to the greatest one of them, is the utterance of jehovah.
for i shall forgive their error, and their sin i shall remember no more.immediately, i was distracted.
well if they were to read the verse 33, the reader would conclude that Israel was the only people being referred to.
in fact if you start at the beginning of that chapter it says.
“I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they will be my people.”
Id take issue with this, ‘they will no more teach each one his companion...’
so why are they still teaching, lol
why don't they just KNOW , isn't the holy spirit supposed to guide you?
yes I agree, what is the example set by the GB?
not to mention,
limitations and mistakes are two separate issues, to lump them together like the WT writers do, makes for a lot of low self worth.
which is why so many older ones who cannot and SHOULD not go door to door,
[omg most really shouldn't] will feel like ‘sinners’ or slackers,lol, if they cant get out.
admitting mistakes when someone actually makes one, is the crux of the issue.
Who will be the judge of what is considered a mistake.
obviously to put too much hot sauce on nannas omelet is a mistake, lol
but to have a difference of opinion is not.
the WT [or any religious org] will reason that learning something outside what they teach is being ‘misled’ and is a mistake for their followers,
but not for them, thats considered ‘new light’ lol -
How will the Watchtower Cult end?
by WireRider insome announcement of sorts?.
there are all kinds of conspiracy theories.
their head count and time cards are all faked by the gb, and "congregations".
when their free ride ends...
.....Cause the fake smiles are getting harder to hide
And your free ride is getting harder to find........But it's getting old going down their road
Don't you know you just need your ownlol
Security Guards at Bethel and Body Guards for GB?
by RetiredLE in"happy" vid. @ about 2:25 is a bethelite with a "security" jacket.
and then here a "brother" at the gate claims to be sia security.
well if they stop attracting attention to themselves there wouldn't be an issue at all.
If they didn't 'store up treasures on earth'
there would be no reason to have to hire so many different advisers.
Infighting at the top?
by JeffT inwe've all been trying to decipher what is going on at the top of the watchtower organization.
clearly, the game's afoot, we just don't know what game we're playing.
item: the constant harping about money and donations.
what I wonder is what the writers of the magazines and books and the creators of these videos are thinking inside.
who is instructing them as to what to research and write, so that they have written such contradictory statements.
if there is a power struggle, whos ideas get printed in what lesson?
who , I wonder agrees with these new 'electronic lessons' in the kingdom halls and who is loosing?
How can anyone sit at meetings, and not question the sneaky financial changes ?
how can one even be an elder and not be on zoloft?
perhaps, the older group of senile G.B. men are in lala land and the younger ones are being sneaky and influencing them. who knows,
but man, what a show.
After 17 years, I went to a KH....really shocked!!
by Prometheus inafter severe pressure from my family, i have decided to attend to the nearest kh.
and a little history regarding my self: i became inactive and lost completely contact of the wt changes and "new light" 17 years ago.. everything seemed so odd and strange during the meeting.
latest technology, animated movies, watchtower web tv, a website that you can download everything, including km and wt study articles.
so you might be warned people, if morbid curiosity gets you to go to a meeting,
make sure you wear a depends,lol
The new service meeting
by John Aquila ini wanted to relate an experience that happened this morning.
it is regarding the new format for the meeting on thursdays in my area.
its not word for word but im summarizing what i heard, the best i can remember.
omg, your post has made my day, I can just imagine that whole thing happening.
last night, i left my moms and she was attempting to explain that 'new meeting'
but we got into it and i had to leave. [gee, i wonder if my mom will mention it again]
but seriously, i have heard in the past persons expressing concerns just like that, but there is always one dedicated 'confomant' around who drags everyone back in line and changes the subject.
omg, these women saying that's stuff, and trying to set you up, oh man, wow, wish I was there, and how did you not have the biggest grin on your face, Id have been rolling on the floor.
and ok yea, when did you wake up,lol good one freddo
I'm ready to get my first Powerball ticket -- NOT!
by FatFreek 2005 init's up to some 800 zillion dollars now and hasn't suckered me in yet.
i've been out of watchtower for some 38 years now and i suppose the lottery is one of their nonoze.
i have nothing morally wrong against it or anyone who enjoys doing it.
i got one. one. and not even with the power play.
Id be happy with 1000 bucks right