‘I'm struggling to get a handle on your question,
a lot of different questions mixed up together.’
cofty, gee, sorry,
I have that effect on some people.
My loyal subject , DJS ,asks ‘whats up with girls?‘
Well there you go, thats one thing, lol
hard to figure some of us out and how we think eh? oh yea, were all over the place, lol,
And I might ask, where did THAT little piece of evolution come into play,?
the fact
that women are so totally opposite of men, that often we have trouble communicating.
um , perhaps, men and women ARE from different planets? and were all just an experiment.
yes crofty, those are different questions, but weren't meant to be off topic.
doesn't it all end up in the same place? why and how did we get here.
you said,
[‘This makes absolutely no sense unless every living thing from humans to yeast evolved from a common ancestor.’ ]
Of course to me, it makes perfect sense that all things came from one common ancestor. but there sure are some interesting puzzles we may never solve.
off topic, but to clarify
I do not believe the biblical story of anything, to be fact. [its funny how it does say from dust we are and to dust we shall return, so, dirt has the same elements and enzymes and proteins ect as breathing things?
you said,
‘there was no first humans who fell from perfection.’ I agree.
I say, the word ’ perfect‘ does not mean what people think means.
perhaps a better word would have been acceptable, lol
I cannot comprehend a god or being, who has no beginning or end,
even doing what the bible says he did.
I could never swallow Genesis, never got past chapter 2 without a thousand questions.
it makes no sense at all. The idea that anyone can simply read that book, and come to any logical conclusion, for anything, is beyond me.
Ive never had a huge problem with evolution, other than its a work in progress.
I think its also fascinating that people can actually explain it,
while I sit with a deer in the headlight expression on my face, and wonder why I cannot understand.