there would have to be a heavily influenced viewpoint, and compromised conscience to be a writer for the WT. At what age do we suppose that a person would be considered 'trained' enough to be assigned an article?
How long would it take to brain damage a normal thinking person in order for them to have such unfortunate illogical conclusions? Does the writing dept ever use any other bible or resources outside those that are in the watchtowers own resource material? i wonder, How many people have left the headquarters shortly after arriving, realizing hey have just been required to sacrifice their consciences? In order to prove to my mom, that shes being misled, Id have to have the actual book from which these misquotes were taken, with the lines highlighted, and then then the actual watchtower that it was printed in, with the lines highlighted, but I bet shed reason it away and still call me misled,lol. her biggest fear of course, is her hope to live forever is gone if the bible is proven to her to be just a crazy history book. that's everyone's fear. that takes away all hope. and hope is all people really have.