do the copies of medical forms left with the elders to keep on file expire? i left copies of my filled out form with the elders years ago, but have not been to that cong or have a card in my wallet. im assuming they expire. Im also assuming that they would have no idea that they have them, nor care to visit me if i were ever in the hosp. years ago when i went in for a surgery, no one knew. the one person who did, never asked me about the blood issue. but at that time i did have a card and asked my surgeon to not give me any blood. [so, based on that exp, no one will know nor]
JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
by apocalypse ini have looked around and i don't see this covered, so i am starting a thread.. 1) the new "blood card" goes beyond being just a "blood card".. 2) a new edict concerning compliance.. pay attention to the changes.. first, the new card is termed "advance decision to refuse specified medical treatment".
the big change with the card itself is that it includes an 'override' of your "power of attorney".
this is huge.
share your favorite photos of the past year?
by sowhatnow infor fun, id like to see some photos of wildlife in your area that you have photographed.. im not sure how to post photos, so i provided a link for my best ones on artpal.. hope to see some great pics.
i love birds and sunsets, if you have some of those.
for fun, Id like to see some photos of wildlife in your area that you have photographed.
Im not sure how to post photos, so i provided a link for my best ones on artpal.
hope to see some great pics. i love birds and sunsets, if you have some of those
Is everything that doesnt add ud explained as a vision, a parable or a "poem" ?
by Bolthof inhi.. i meet up with a couple of jw once a week and it seems to me that every time i show them a verse that says something that contradicts their doctrine they say that it is a parable, a vision.. or a poem of some sort.
what are your toughts about this ?.
yes that's an easy way to avoid admitting we don't know it all, lol
if you take the words
dead alive resurrected and heaven to mean literally, and not in a religious representation you can have quite a discussion.
to me those words are representative of a belief system and are not literal.
dead... was the condition of anyone who was not observing the way of the law of Moses, or Israel
you were dead to works, dead to family and dead to their god. if you weren't a follower. so all gentiles were considered dead. [eph 2 is a good example of the word use]
alive... spiritually enlightened. following the law.
resurrected.... when you were a follower, stopped observing, then came back and followed the law.or come to know Christ, now you have been brought back from the dead. where you are if you are a follower of that cult and 'belonged' to the house or Israel .
most jws will deny that the whole book of psalms is songs and poems and not to be taken literal or as a future prophesy.
just a thought
Start A Butterfly Garden!
by Bonsai intime to take a break from debating religion.
take in a breath of fresh air and be healed by the wonders of nature around you.. how many of you have a garden?
how many have a nice flower patch to go with your vegetable garden?
butterfly garden in Pa, would be risky, lol my daughter planted milkweed, there were cocoons, and the birds ate them all she was pretty mad. were loosing a lot of our rural habitat to housing developments and fracking.
on another note. its was 22 this morning, the freeze killed all my daffys,
I was told it was only going down to 34, so i only picked a few. im bummed. but i was told by an old friend, not to plant before mothers day.
Does Jesus refute the Watchtower Blood prohibition?
by Terry inthis is the jerusalem council of faithful jewish christians addressing what obstacles gentile converts must hurdle to be accepted by them.
(note: this statement is a paraphrase of a much earlier law of the sons of noah.).
acts 15: "it is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the gentiles who are turning to god" (v. 19).
did jesus himself ever say that his followers should abstain from blood?
or did he say, follow the law?
its says
"Instead, we should write to them, telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood"
maybe they didnt write, lol
my mom insists jesus ended the law. a law that was not for 'gentiles' to begin with.
so if that's true, were under no obligation period to do anything we not being under the law.
what a way to twist a dietary law, and try to apply it to modern day. and yes to stand by and allow someone to die, without trying everything, in my opinion is a bigger sin.
Got in a bad wreck.....uuugh
by brandnew injust happy to be alive....can barely move ☺.. a girl who just got her license , and a new suv....thought it might be cool to pass the person in front of a curve......on a two way road!!!!!😠😠😠.
very mad puppy.
guess i was busy when this post went up, glad you didn't get paralyzed for life.
this is why i wont ride on a bike. ever. they are too dangerous, my x dumped his, knocked himself out for a moment, and with the fear of him wrecking again, becoming handicapped, and loosing his ability to work and provide for his family, he stopped riding.
i wont date guys who ride them either. Im not about to fall in love with someone then become a sex starved caretaker. , lol, just sayin.
Would we exist if Adam and Eve didn't sin?
by truth doubter inmy son asked me 40 years ago.
should we be glad adam sinned?
because if he hadn't, we would not be the person we are.. any opinions?
because Im assuming if everyone remained perfect, Able would have been alive, so there is a whole other family line.
Cain probably wouldnt have married the sister he did marry, so again another family line.
people wouldn't have died, so the same men and women wouldn't have got together.
and so in a perfect world, God would have only let so many humans populate the perfectly fertile paradise like planet, before he made earth 2 . we'd have wings, and we could fly there,lol
how about this,
what if adam did not sin? after all he didnt have to do what eve did. would he have been given another woman?
would she have been forgiven by god if adam asked?
would eve die and adam stay alive? or would adam have two wives? would eve have died faster?
would eve have children to adam? would the children been half good and half bad?
oh wow! thats what happened! one was good one was bad and so were both good and bad,lol
lets blame adam for all the mess he was here first, he should have known better, lol .
gee, its like, biblical back to the future.
can we see a parallel?
by sowhatnow ini found this article to be quite unsettling.
especially the part on social 'credit'.
so many phrases in this article rings true of the wt ,.
i found this article to be quite unsettling. especially the part on social 'credit'
so many phrases in this article rings true of the WT ,
[is it than mankind in general , has some odd desire to control everyone else around them? how stressful]
How many times have the GB been wrong?
by atomant inactually its quite amusing to observe the different reactions from within the org every time theres new dumb does a person have to be to not realize its all a conjob.surely a thinking logical person would question all the changes over the years.lts almost like the blind leading the blind scenario.
all the time, or 144,000 times
whichever comes first
Jehovah’s Witnesses are Taught to Lie but to then Lie about Lying
by Terry injehovah’s witnesses are taught to lie but to then lie about lying.
first off, let’s define what it means to tell a lie.
i prefer the definition offered by aristotle way back in 4th century b.c.e.
saying nothing is an admission to guilt where I come from,lol
its like a bunch of kids who got into trouble, and mom or dad pulls them all into the kitchen and says
'who did it? '
no one says anything, so they all get the belt. take it for the team. lol then the guilty one owes you. lol
what other reason than to avoid telling what you know, than to keep quiet.