Im assuming, that more and more people are getting tired of all this constant new light bull crap. where is this person getting his info an authority, to assume.
interesting again, to read this statement
'We come to realize..'
who is the 'we' here?
again, that means all the while, the holy spirit/ God / Jesus , continued to let them not
'realize' ....
interpreted by me, as god, willfully allowing a wrong teaching...
so, whos at fault? imperfect man? or god?
if man is at fault we have the right to choose, without being condemned, after all were imperfect.
if god is at fault, than we have the right to not follow a wrong god, and be condemned. lol
either way its win win
and this statement....
'Sometimes strategies are implemented for certain types of outcomes and reactions.'
oh really?
Yea, The strategy of twisting ancient scripture and creating a certain type of outcome. lol
also, in Matthew, 24, Jesus says. vs ..25 See, I have told you ahead of time.
who was he speaking to?
his apostles only.
he meant THAT generation. he told them ahead of time. They were told to expect it.
not a big mystery when we accept that everything was written after the fact from oral traditional stories.
Jesus also makes a curious statement, in vs
39. and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.