ok, do they ever sit and ponder the results of what would happen if every jw was a pioneer? lol.
apparently not. [ an immediate contradiction again, right off the platform]
they would very very quickly fall apart, as they would have NO money coming in, because we all know pioneers are usually unemployed ,part timers , stay at home moms, recent grads, welfare recipients and old folks living on social security. plus with no real literature to speak of, what are they supposed to do door to door? they dont know a bible or what to do with it.
then you said..
'Then he proceeded to use a few select verses to say sex is bad and so is the desire for it. A healthy bank account or savings is wrong, shouldn't have that either. And no more hunting because that means you might own a firearm.'
so he made sex for what reason then? and he made us want to eat, so we hunt, and we cant save money, so when were broke, whos got our backs? god? I dont think so, they you'll be condemned for being foolish, and not preparing for the future,
can we see no matter what, your screwed in that religion?
i really pisses me off when my mom claims a 'principal' applies to being told how to think and what to do.
principals are for us to apply in our own ways based on our individual conscience. anything we do is for the good of our existence, and that of our families.
Id like to shove that word principal up a principal place on their anatomy.