JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
Today's Text - Draw Close To God... (BUT HOW???)
by Divergent inhere's where i stand at the moment: i neither categorize myself as a theist, atheist, or agnostic.
i'm a freethinker and do not have a specific belief at the moment, unless something comes along which is 100% conclusive & convincing.
which brings us to tackling the elephant in the room, something that today's text has failed to do:.
Get a number two pencil. -
I`m on Windows 10 and my mouse keeps dying , any suggestions ? what to do ?
by smiddy inhi friends.. as the op states lately my mouse keeps dying on me while i`m in the middle of typing a post or whatever and so i lose all that i have laboured to type.. i keep resurrecting the mouse but now it`s dying more frequently .. any suggestions on how to get around this problem , or am i flogging a dead mouse ?.
i await your suggestions.. smiddy.
lol, I know, um it was sort of a joke. cats have 9 lives, computer mice that die multiple times might, cats mice .... haha.
well, like i said, sometimes people don't get me. I live on the 'far side' of humor I guess....
I`m on Windows 10 and my mouse keeps dying , any suggestions ? what to do ?
by smiddy inhi friends.. as the op states lately my mouse keeps dying on me while i`m in the middle of typing a post or whatever and so i lose all that i have laboured to type.. i keep resurrecting the mouse but now it`s dying more frequently .. any suggestions on how to get around this problem , or am i flogging a dead mouse ?.
i await your suggestions.. smiddy.
has it died more than nine times?
oh dear god, get the poor man a macbook
Finally watched the anti-gay WT video
by undercover ini avoided watching the wt video where the daughter/mother discuss 'leaving' gaydom behind in order to reach paradise for as long as i could, but finally gave in and watched it; just so i know exactly what it says and how it's presented, should it come up in conversation with jw family.. it wasn't as shocking as i expected, having read some of the angst filled posts here and on facebook (thanks to george takei).
they're presenting their beliefs as supported by scripture from the bible.
and if you're a true believer in that book, then you would find yourself having to at least give some thought to what is said.
i think for many of us , its the simple fact that, of all the things a religious organization can make a cartoon about that is age appropriate, and is a positive message,[how to help grandma, and grandpa, how to save precious water, how to plant a garden, how not to waste food, how to be kind to animals, how to share ect] they have to over reach a parents right to teach their own child how to view such issues, and at an age and time when the parent feels it is appropriate, not have some religious rulers throw a controversy in the face of innocent children.
they seem to thrive on drama lately, just like all the media.
Question about baptism around 1973- can anyone answer for me?
by Virgochik ini am hoping someone will take a look at this and be able to help me with my question.. i was baptized in 1973, you know, because i was a teenager and old enough to stand on my own when armageddon descended in 1975. .
perhaps elders, or any former elders especially, but anyone who was around then could help me with this question, because i honestly don't recall, and really need to know.. what were the baptismal questions the candidates responded to back then?
were we still asked if we repented of our sins, turned around, and were being baptized in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit?.
perhaps this site can help..
*** w1973 5/1 280 Baptizing Follows Discipling ***
we suggest that you consider the following two questions, which are asked of
candidates for baptism:
(1) Have you repented of your sins and turned around, recognizing yourself before Jehovah God as a condemned sinner who needs salvation, and have you acknowledged to him that this salvation proceeds from him, the Father, through his SonJesus Christ?
(2) On the basis of this faith in God and in his provision for salvation, have you dedicated yourself unreservedly to God to do his will henceforth as he reveals it to you through Jesus Christ and through the Bible under the enlightening power of the holy spirit?
If you find that you can answer “YES” to these questions, then it would be appropriate for you to speak to the presiding overseer in the congregation of Jehovah’s witnesses with which you associate, with a view to getting baptized. -
JWs standing on mats whilst Cart Witnessing
by Listener ini've come across a guy on youtube that has been approaching numerous jws in public cart witnessing.
actually, calling it witnessing is beyond a joke because most of the time they are just standing there and in the case of this youtuber, they walk away in silence or turn their heads.the youtuber is not a jw and i don't think he ever was, he calls himself a christian and i don't think he is affiliated with any particular religion.there is one video where he shows about 4 jws standing on a square plate with a yellow marking on the edge, they each have their own plate.
i am curious as to why they are standing on these?
i thought that's was shoes were for ,so you can stand on the ground for a long time. lol
not our fault if they stand there in dress shoes.
Germany-Trial Over Abuse Among Jehovah's Witnesses. At least two boys were raped...
by AndersonsInfo intrial over abuse among jehovah’s witnesses.
at least two boys were raped in the beliefs community at greifwald.
by cornelia meerkatz.
how simple things would have been for the wt society [or any religious org] if they simply would not get involved in such abuses, instead encouraging victims and families to go to authorities, and then simply DF the offenders period.
wash their hands of it more or less.
none of this coming back to god and being forgiven rubbish.
if a jw is raped ,robbed, or attacked, they are told to go to police, but if its by a admitted Jw do they?
probably yes, so whats the difference when it comes to child abuse?
if not then they think they are like the Vatican, and have their own laws.
WEIRD. . . Dick Gregory talks about the "killing" of PRINCE
by Terry in
How do people like him get so much attention? lol -
Don't Want To Be At The RC This Year...
by JW_Rogue inthe whole time i'll just be thinking about what effect all those crazy loyalty videos will have on my family.
i can venture to guess that they'll be wound up and determined to "stay loyal" because this "is the truth" and "this system can't last much longer".
i have to go because not doing so would raise too much suspicion but i'm really dreading it.
hmm, seems to me a sudden case of poison ivy is in your future, lol, well unless your highly allergic, let someone with a cold sneeze on you? go to walmart and lick some cart handles? [ yea right lol, ]
twist an ankle? sunburn? puddle under the car, bad brake lines ?
I knew a lot of people that would break up days, mornings afternoons, if it was close enough to drive that is.
one convention, my son forgot his suits, so here we were on a saturday waiting for a mall to open,[ not until 10 am], so we could find something for him to wear, missed the whole morning session.
forgetting something so you have to go back usually eliminates the whole day if not the whole weekend.
now, there was one time when the expense was just too much, gas was at an all time high, and we had long stopped getting hotel rooms, simply too expensive for us. so we went to the meetings at a neighboring cong, instead of the assembly. but the bottom line is, if your the 'head of the household', you have the right to say what your going to do. if you do not want the children to go to the convention, don't take them. use scriptures to support your headship. god instituted the marriage, with the husband to protect and teach his family, and as her husband and a father you are protecting your family. from whatever misguided ideas, or possible crimes, or whatever. by over riding your headship,the watchtower is sinning against god. remind her, there are no scriptures that tell us there is a command to be at meetings or conventions. using a few sentences in some scriptures to support such an extreme view of meetings is wrong. Id have been thrilled if my husband would have explained that we did not need to go to an assembly. so would have my kids ,lol they would rather be stuck in the house all day. assemblies were too overwhelming for me after a while. I was tired of the negativity. the constant guilt tripping, the let downs the constant ignoring of my kids and family
there was no joy ever for us being there.
your wife must have a weak spot. some sort of conscience.
The story of Jonathan and David, is this male bonding or something else?
by James Mixon instart at 1 samuel 18; imagine if this story had been about jonathan and a woman.. 1 samuel 20:30..saul calls jonathan a son of a perverse rebellious woman!
the blame for his.
behavior goes first to the mother, who was too soft," or too harsh who perverted his son somehow.. 1 samuel 20:41-42.."they kissed each other and wept with each other".. so was it merely deep friendship or a romantic relationship?.
well if thats the case, then whats this scripture indicating....
john 13 23 One of them, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was reclining next to him. 24 Simon Peter motioned to this disciple and said, “Ask him which one he means.” 25 Leaning back against Jesus, he asked him, “Lord, who is it?”
[no name mentioned, lol]